I love working for myself. Self-employment? Best thing since sliced bread or Tivo. But some days it is just hard to get things done. I see others that seem to just crank out work without effort, and I just don’t get it. How do they do it?
I have to bribe myself. Right now, I must finish coding a page (with CSS … my eyes are on the verge of bleeding) before I will let myself stop for lunch. I keep setting mini-goals like that. No knitting until I have today’s project done. But sometimes it is so hard. Especially when you’re trying to code with a grumbling tummy.
3 replies on “Bribing Myself…”
I feel your pain. In the good ol’e days when I was still gainfully employed, I also worked from home (and no, that’s AFTER I was a nanny), and if I didn’t have set, daily deadlines, I don’t think I EVER would’ve managed to get anything done. So hats off to you and the other Moxies!
And I thought about telling you to come to my side of town for lunch today. Guess I’m glad I didn’t since it would have messed up your goals. 😉
Yeah, unfortunately the whole week is already laid out with projects. However, I do still want you to come over some night to play! And I have gifts here for you …