
Bring Out the Blurkers!

Thanks to Sara, I’ve learned that this week has been declared Blurker Amnesty Week! Yo! You! There in the corner? Long time listener, it’s time to be a first time caller. I want to know that you are out there, so give it up and leave a comment. It’s ok. We love you.

As I said back in 2002, you can avoid the blurker label. It’s quick. It’s easy. It’s painless. It takes seconds to leave a comment and hit submit (especially thanks to the whiz-bang speed of WordPress) and I think you should go for it. Oh, wondering what a blurker is? It was coined (at least for me) by the ultimate blurker herself, Liz. Mike & I just worked on writing up the definition:

Blurker (BLUR-kur): n. 1. One who reads many blogs but leaves no evidence of themselves such as comments behind; a silent observer of blogs. 2. One who reads many blogs but has no blog of their own; a blog-watcher or blog voyeur.

It’s ok to be a blurker, but it’s a good idea to come out into the light every once in awhile. Here is your chance – with amnesty even!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

21 replies on “Bring Out the Blurkers!”

*grabs cup of horrible tasting coffee*

My name is debutaunt, and I am a blurker. My favorites contain nearly 40 blogs that I check out.

Thanks for letting us off the hook. I promise that in the future, I will at least say hi from time to time.

Hello. I read about Matt in one of the local Houston publications, and your site was mentioned, so I finally got around to checking your sites out. That’s all. Nothing exciting, really. Sorry.

Aw, crap, yes… I’m a blurker… Sorry Christine… I think it happens more often now because I’ve been using RSS feeds more often… – doesn’t lend itself to commenting…

Hey!! Whoooo hooo! TAR Started last night and it started from Sweet Home Chicago!!!!!

Yo! My name is a Eva and I’m a college student at the University of Houston. I just started reading your blog after reading the feature on WordPress in the HoustonPress. I love your lay-out and pictures and hope to have a blog similar to yours in the future. Right now I use livejournal, Click here to take a peak at my rants and raves I really dislike using livejournal it’s so…limiting… ;\ Any pointers on where/how to start would greatly be appreciated! ;D Ciao, until next time!

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