Wow! What a whirlwind today has been. More proposal writing going on, but the list is still long. I am still at the office, because I want as many of these done as possible when I head out of town for SXSW on Friday. But I’m taking a tiny mental break to stretch the fingers in a different direction.
I think the techno gurus at the office are now convinced that I am a complete goof. I walked into one of the other offices this afternoon, and they had their TV on. Normally it’s on CNN, matter of fact that is the same spot I stood in as I watched the news unfold on September 11th. Today was different though – today it was on TechTV, and since it was about 4:15pm CST, what else was on but Call for Help? So I walked in, took a step back out of shock because there was Chris. I think I might have giggled like a little girl! I then went on to say, out loud, “Heee! There’s Chris! Hi Chris!” One of the guys looked at me like I was absolutely insane. Oh well, I don’t care. It made me smile, and considering I had been ranting just earlier today about other work issues, a smile was a good thing. To take it a step further though, my boss was so sweet … as he left tonight he said I could go into his office (which also has a TV), log in to his computer to work, and watch TechTV in there! I said no though, because Call for Help is over for now … I’ll just work faster and go home and watch it.
I downloaded the software that Robyn pointed out in my comments from my Sunday night post when I accidentally erased my camera’s media card. Then after I installed it I realized that my card reader is at home – normally I keep it in the laptop bag, but I was so mad that I had erased my photos I put it on the counter and left it there. So I will try that out later from home & let you know how I do with it.
Kymberlie made me a new skin last night … awwww! I was really touched, and it’s really pretty! I still have a design in mind for a new skin, but reality is that time is limited before SXSW, so I think I will add hers in now and create mine when I get back.
Speaking of making things, Jennifer is in the middle of setting up PHPbb on BlogOmania! PHPbb is a free PHP bulletin board software, and let me just say this – it is SWEET! I highly recommend it from what I have seen so far!
And on a closing note … 1400? Shhhhhsss…. that’s nothing! Ok, ok, I’m just kidding. *grin* Amazing what some people will do for fame. [via Robyn via Meryland]
2 replies on “Busy as a Bee…”
I think the real record would be to see if she can keep all of them AWAKE after the grand finale. Anyone can get them to put out. Sheesh! ;-p
Hope you get your pics back! *crossing fingers*
*blink*…1400 ouch!