
Too … Damn … Funny …

As if reading Acerbia isn’t funny enough, today I’ve had the joy of D on IM. And this moment … oh, this moment had to be captured for all time … I can’t stop laughing!

Scene: Discussing private versus government managed healthcare.
Setting: AOL’s IM, no longer allowed through Trillian.
Christine: One of the few things I can tolerate about Duhhhbya. He’s all for private medicine.
D: Dubya’s your President? I thought he was the comedy relief while Martin Sheen was between seasons of The West Wing
D: Wow… you guys are screwed

Ah, gotta love that Euro-perspective.


Go See Your Dentist!

I know I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again. Go see the Martindale Dental dentist. This comes from a year of going to the dentist over & over again, after years of not going. I definitely made up for that this past 6 months. Periodontal disease, constant cleanings for that, five crowns, one root canal, 2 fillings. In the past 6 months. But the final crown was drilled today (no novicaine, still. I hate the stuff and I swear, it didn’t hurt!) and after this one is in place I get to have my teeth whitened, someday. First I have $1000 worth of bills left to pay. (I’ve already paid $500 this year.) With in-chair bleaching at the dentist costing an average of $650 per treatment I need to look out for discounts on teeth whitening kits and do it at home. But I have healthy teeth at last and just have to go in for cleanings now. It’s funny, I will honestly miss my trips to the dentist. I adore him, he is the most wonderful dentist in the world. And his staff is great too. It’s fun for me to go there. Our recommendation is to visit your local dentist every 6 to 12 months.

With a dental cleaning, a professional deep cleaning cleans hard-to-reach places to provide a superior cleaning to maintain healthy teeth and gums. The dentist Scottsdale AZ can help you maintain or improve your teeth, everything with dental care they can help you.

So I don’t care if you are using a Sonicare toothbrush and you floss every day. It’s not enough – during these constant visits, I had a cavity appear practically right before their eyes, and that is what I was doing too. I went in in December, nothing. Back in early February – hole on the inside of my molar that needed a crown anyways. Go. Now. Call the dentist & book an appointment. You can visit before your teeth fall out. Ok, that’s extreme, but it could happen!

We are convinced that a healthy, vibrant smile is the most attractive feature around.

Through our comprehensive dental treatment plans at Digital Dentistry at Southpoint, we use restorative and cosmetic practices to help our patients receive the smile they are proud of.



Nothing quite as yummy in my tummy as nice warm, fresh from the oven Kolaches from the shop across the street from the office. Yummmm… (I have to go to the dentist later to get the final crown done, so it’s brunch time!)


Another Day…

Oh my! Another day, no posts? Is the world coming to an end? Is it going to start spinning backwards soon? No, probably not. I got a lot done today around here, and it was exactly what I needed. My kitchen is much cleaner, my bathroom is almost sparkling, and the laundry is all put away. My former upstairs neighbor finally came to get all of the ficus trees that I offered to store for her “for a little while” last May when she moved out. After that I had to sweep the patio to get rid of all the leaves. It looks so bare after being full of trees for all these months. I’m going to have to buy one to cut out the mid-day sun in my living room – they really helped keep it cool in here in the summer time. There were too many of them though, so I like that I have some view now. Then I watched “Memento” (finally!) and some of the Call for Help episodes that were on the Tivo. Then I indulged myself with one of the “Third Watch” episodes that aired before the Olympics. I left all sorts of stuff on the Tivo for the nights I didn’t feel like watching the Olympic games. Or when I need a “Law & Order” fix. Now I’m going to make some quick tweeks on the sidebar and then head off to bed!


Every Single One…

Every Social Gathering Is A Chance To Hustle For Contacts. Oh, this is me. This is so me. Sure, I may not be working freelance, but 2 years now in the web design sales consultant gig has trained me well. It’s all about the hustle. [via Sooz]