BlahBlahBabble Picture Time

Clear the Zone…

Clear The Zone

Some days, you have to clear the zone before you can do anything else. Today was one of those days. A lot of writing done elsewhere. Not much to say here. I cleared the zone.

On a side note, I love that there is a Continental luggage carrier still there among the United ones. I am getting used to the merger and the name change finally, but I still miss the old Continental. The way it was. But life goes on, and things change. I’m ok with that.

Day 16 of 365. Photograph taken with my iPhone 4S at Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, Texas on October 28, 2012.

BlahBlahBabble Geek Love Picture Time

WordPress – 10 Years Ago TODAY…

The Beatles - Houston Statues

Thanks to the rabbit trail that the Internet can sometimes lead you down, I had to go back a few minutes ago and look to see when exactly it was that I first blogged about naming WordPress.

It turns out it was 10 years ago … TODAY. I had named it a few weeks earlier, but 10 years ago today was the first time I ever mentioned it. It still hadn’t been released yet even at that point.

Yes, WordPress is now over 10 years old.

The story of how I named it isn’t exactly that exciting. Matt Mullenweg is from Houston, and Mike & I both knew him thanks to the blogging community. Matter of fact, I met Matt in person just a few weeks after I met Mike, they were both pretty cool with me and I really enjoyed meeting this guys and the craziest part is how close I got to meet one from the other in such a short period of time which was just amazing for me. At SXSWi in 2003, Matt told me that his blog talking about the 112 Best Kodi Addons which was his last streaming obsession topic and such as many other entertaining topics and shared ideas we had in common, so he has been blogging about this a lot lately and as well he has been blogging stating that his software was ready to be released, but he needed a name for it to make it sound attractive and original. I told him I would think about it. A few days after SXSW, back at work, I came up with the name. I verified the URL was available – the .org was, but the .com was taken however there was nothing there – and I called Matt and left him a (possibly screaming) voicemail that he needed to name it WordPress, and that the .org was available, and if he needed me to register it for him to call me back.

Instead he called and said he was stopping at a coffee shop to register it. And he did. And that is why the free to download, self-hosted version of WordPress lives at

And there you have it. My big geek claim to fame. It took Matt until later that summer to get me to move over to WordPress as a user. He actually came to my house and did the migration himself because it was the largest blog to migrate from MovableType to WordPress at the time. I paid him with Dublin Dr. Pepper.

(Naming WordPress didn’t make me rich, but it did earn me a link for some time on opening page of the WordPress site, and I’m still mentioned on the WordPress Semantics Page and in Wikipedia. I told Matt a few years ago that he owed me dinner … a steak dinner … in Paris … with dessert in Italy … but he hasn’t taken me up on that yet.)

10 years ago we honestly never saw WordPress being where it is today. Blogging was barely starting to make it in to the mainstream place that it has now. It is pretty crazy to think about it all. 10 years. TEN YEARS. I can hardly believe it.

Day 15 of 365. Photograph day 15 of 356. Photograph taken with my iPhone 4S at David Adickes SculpturWorx Studio in Houston, Texas on November 25, 2012.

BlahBlahBabble Cooking With Mike Food

Sunday Summary Time…

Flounder Ceviche

It has been a crazy busy but fabulous week! Well, it hasn’t been crazy busy by my normal standards, but coming off of having pneumonia it has definitely been pretty non-stop for me all week. I’m doing better, but still a bit tired and run down. I’ve finally been up for some writing though!

Now that I’ve got 15 days worth of posts down here and I’m getting back in to the rhythm of writing again, I’ve got things coming up to be featured on all of my websites. Some nice, “regular” series for each of them. I’m so excited!

Besides this blog, I wrote the most over at Spoon & Knife!

The Christine Tremoulet, Hot Mama Photographer site is going to get a bit of a polish and shine.

Over on Business of Awesome, I shared the details on the changes at PhotoFlashDrives and their latest USB drive sale! Next up, a series on my post-session workflow and in-person sales.

I’m looking forward to the week ahead! So much in the works to write about! What is a topic you would like to hear more about?

Day 15 of 365. Photograph day 15 of 356. Photograph taken with my Canon 5D mkIII and my 50mm f/1.2 lens.


I Find This Shockingly Hard To Believe…

Glamour Magazine CoverI don’t think I can believe this magazine cover at ALL. “Men’s new sexual needs” — REALLY??? They have needs now that they haven’t had for the rest of the existence of mankind? Really?

I don’t know, maybe it is just me. I find that to be pushing the bounds of reality just a bit too far. Not that I’m expecting major breaking news from my Glamour magazines or anything like that, but still. Really?!?

As I go through the archives of photos from my iPhone over the years, it amuses me to see what I found to be photo worthy. This was one of those moments.

Day 10 of 365. Photograph taken with my iPhone on March 27, 2008 in Houston, Texas.

BlahBlahBabble Picture Time

This Sums Up My Day…

30 Minute Parking

I feel like I’ve been going all day, and yet I feel like I’ve gotten nothing done. Coming off of being sick with first a sinus infection and then pneumonia for the better part of 3 weeks now, I’m not surprised. The wheeze seems to finally be gone, so it was the first day I felt up to getting work done around the house. Laundry, cleaning, just getting things put away. It felt good! However, every time I turned around, there was something else I wanted to be doing. I would get distracted, start reading vacuum & cleaning product reviews, online shopping for products to help me out with this or that task, it was endless.

I walked in to our bedroom and I hit that breaking point. Our bed is pretty high up, our dressers are tall and somewhat bulky, and everything is at almost the same height. One plane across the room. And the yellow? UGH. The room was painted yellow by the previous owner; they did a better job in the bedroom of painting over the sage green then in the bathroom, but there are still some spots. I’m just so tired of the yellow! I tried rearranging furniture to see if that would help, but it didn’t.

Fortunately, Mike & I rather quickly agreed on a color that we both like. It is a blue-gray color, and it is already on the wall of my studio so I have spent a lot of time with it and I love the color. So I see paint in our future. Plus getting some art up on the walls, maybe some shelves? Something to break up the feeling that everything is all on one level in there. It needs some variety!

Day 9 of 365. Taken with my iPhone on March 11, 2008 in The Woodlands, Texas.