
I Find This Shockingly Hard To Believe…

Glamour Magazine CoverI don’t think I can believe this magazine cover at ALL. “Men’s new sexual needs” — REALLY??? They have needs now that they haven’t had for the rest of the existence of mankind? Really?

I don’t know, maybe it is just me. I find that to be pushing the bounds of reality just a bit too far. Not that I’m expecting major breaking news from my Glamour magazines or anything like that, but still. Really?!?

As I go through the archives of photos from my iPhone over the years, it amuses me to see what I found to be photo worthy. This was one of those moments.

Day 10 of 365. Photograph taken with my iPhone on March 27, 2008 in Houston, Texas.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

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