Media Consumption

On Ice…

Sitting here watching the women’s figure skating finals on TV. I am about 20 minutes behind “real time” so I have no clue yet who won – but I wanted to share this, so I had to pause the Tivo. I hate Tara Lipinski. There, I said it. I was *stunned* 4 years ago when she won the gold. I thought her skating was dull. I know, that’s not what how the judges judge, and that’s why I’m not a judge. I still get to have my opinion though. Even now that she isn’t competing, she still rubs me the wrong way. I saw her in a commercial the other day and … well, like nails on a chalkboard. I know she’s a “hometown girl” and all that, whoohoo. I don’t like her. Michelle Kwan deserved the gold medal in 98. She deserves it now. I would give the silver to Sasha Cohen – well, based on the short program. She rocked Tuesday night. She amazes me. It’s like *wham* out of nowhere, there she is on the skating scene. And Sarah Hughes is really great too – so I look forward to seeing how this all works out! It would be great if we had a medal sweep tonight!

Why do the women use this boooooring music? Maybe that’s why I prefer watching the pairs and the mens events over the womens? Scott Hamilton was saying earlier “it’s so they can focus on their choreography & jumps.” But the men use spunky fun music, not this stuff that is putting me into a coma. I think fast, fun music should be required.

Off to see who wins the gold. Tomorrow night, an encore of the skating. Yeah! I can finally see the Russian and Canadian pairs programs!

Media Consumption

A Little Late Night…

I decided to clear some shows off of the Tivo to make some space, and before I went to bed I watched Yagudin skate again. Second time around, and it still made me say “WOW.” First quad triple in Olympic competition and it was simlpy beautiful. And Robyn? You have nothing to fear. He wasn’t wearing the scary tights – if you look at the photos of his skate his pants are loose enough that they flutter when he skates; they look more like a pair of slacks. Most of the guys don’t wear them any more. (Plushenko? Don’t get me started on him again! Michael Jackson medley? wtf?)