I just completed the personality assessment at Brainbench (I would link directly to the assessment, but I think you have to be a member to take it, so go sign up!) Thought I would share the results here…
Your Social Boldness: Introverted VS Extraverted
You are slightly introverted. Do you ever say to people, “I’m really an introvert” and then they look at you funny? That’s because you can be both Extraverted and introverted, but in social situations people see you as an Extravert. Your enthusiastic and self-confident personality, plus your ease at talking to strangers gives the appearance that you are outgoing, even though you may attribute it to just being a friendly person. You find yourself at the center of attention, even though you may not actively seek that position. You are such a warm person that people like to follow you. Which is good, since you have no problem accepting your role as a leader when it is given to you. With your ability to flow easily from shy to outgoing, you may tend to easily flow from exciting adventures to relaxing times at home. This makes you a fun person to be around, because you do not always have to be on the go, yet you know there is more to life than reading and watching TV.
Read on for the rest of my results…