
Picture Time!

Now that the skins are back, I realized not everyone is going to notice the new thumbnails in the top bar of the default skin – so I thought I would announce that there are new photos at the Pixelog! More to come later today!


End of Summer – Voting…

Rannie has gathered all of the “End of Summer” 100k submissions together and set up a poll (with the help of the always wonderful Jennifer) to allow you to vote for your favorites.

He is taking submissions through tomorrow for the next category, “Fun with Macros” through tomorrow night.


End of Summer…

My submission for the photojunkie : photo contest, “End of Summer” edition.



Spread the Word…

I have to revamp e-mail lists before I send this out to the Blogomania clients, so I thought I would spread the good news here first: ALL of the account plans at Blogomania have been increased! More space for the sites, without a change in price. Every plan has had a disk space and a transfer limit increase over the holiday weekend. Yeah! More room to move around in!


I’m Comin’ Out…

No, no, no. I’m NOT coming out like that. I have the song stuck in my head though. “I’m comin’ out … want the world to know, gonna let it show…” Oh my. I don’t think it’s ever going to stop. Well, to distract you, may I direct your attention to Demented and Sad, but Social? It seems that Dick’s true identity has been revealed. In case you didn’t know it already, I just thought I would point it out.

Now go and enjoy all of the goodness that is Dick. Although this whole Pull My Finger thing is just wrong on many levels.