Getting Down to Business SXSW

SXSW Panel Voting Time! Vote for US!!! (Pretty Please.)

You may have noticed it on a few of my previous posts, but I’m up for a SXSW Interactive Panel about Preventing Legal Pitfalls Online — and YOUR vote could help determine if our panel gets picked!

Earlier this year, my friend Katie put together a presentation on copyright for PhotoCamp Houston. The lawyers Townsville from Naegeli USA gave perspective view, along with addressing how hosting companies handle copyright infringement claims. It was so well received, we presented it a second time to The Woodland’s Camera Club. And that was so well received we decided to go all out and take it to SXSW — inviting Jonathan of PlagiarismToday and Charles Mudd, a Chicago-based attorney, to join us.

We’ll be talking about how to best protect your content and intellectual property online – something all worry about when they first start posting photos on the internet. We’ll have people speak about both sides of the issues including attorneys, truck accident attorneys at 1800-Car-Wreck and lay-persons with relevant and exemplary experience. We’re going to talk about how to prevent and stop plagiarism and avoid being sued for infringement of other’s content, and what to do if sued or accused.

Basically, it is going to be an AWESOME panel.

You can vote whether you’re going to SXSWi or not. It is pretty quick and painless. And we would LOVE to be selected. We’re up against a lot of big companies, so we need your help. Voting ends TOMORROW (September 4, 2009) – so please go vote TODAY!

While you’re in the voting mood, feel free to head on over to the Schipul SXSW 2010 panel list and vote for some other awesome panels put on by my friends over at Schipul. Trust me, and click here:

BlahBlahBabble Geek Love SXSW

Crafty Geeks!

I don’t normally cross-post between this site and Pointy Sticks, but I had to share my crafty goodness from SXSW. This is normally a geek festival, and I went in part for reasons related to the podcast and in part related to Fresh Photography. It ended up being so very, very much more. Not only were there geek things going on, but there were CRAFTY things to be had too! Crafty things which will be discussed in detail in the next podcast. Just a brief list, as much for me to remember:

– My biggest fangirl moment of SXSW was probably meeting Hugh of If you have received a business card from me in the past year with a cartoon on the back, it is a design that Hugh shared on his site. For free. Gives them away. The Creative Commons is a BEAUTIFUL thing, people. Beautiful. So when I realized that it was his name on his nametag (that is a bit redundant, but I can’t think of a better way to explain it), I went all fangirl on him with giddy squealing. I had the very last of my cards with his design on the back in my wallet, and gave it to him. Meanwhile, he gave me a Stormhoek t-shirt and artwork that he signed for me. We don’t have Stormhoek here in Texas, but we plan to order some soon and try it out.

– Got computer files you need to move around when you are on the go? Want a super cute designer flash drive? Check out the Mimobots! Goodness, these are just the CUTEST piece of hardware EVER. Seriously. They made me giddy every time I saw them, and the owners of the company? Fabulous. Great people to share your fried pickles with late on a Tuesday night at Katz’s on 6th Street in Austin. The One Love sticker will be on my laptop by tonight, and I really want to get one to tote my files around. (You can pre-order the Star Wars series of Mimobots, which I have seen in person. Good things!)

– On Saturday, I got to meet (well, re-meet, since we met briefly in 2005) Cinnamon of Poise. Her bags, in one word? AMAZING. Beautiful, well constructed, fabulous. I must get one of her knitting bags. (I have my eye on the blue and brown one. Surprising, huh?) They are all so lovely, check them out! She sells much more than knitting bags, and bags for both men and women. So don’t let the fact that I mentioned knitting throw you off.

– I met up with a member of the team at Scrapblog and finally learned what it is all about. Let me tell you, it is COOL. I take a lot of photos, and I’ve always wanted to scrapbook with them. I just have never gotten around to it. Scrapblog might finally give me a way to scrapbook my photographs, with the ease of Flickr included. You can take your photos, make a layout, and then print them as a book. How cool is that? There are other cool things you can do – check out their site.

– Speaking of making books, after seeing Lulu and Blurb book samples in person, I now know for a fact that the publishing industry is about to be turned on its head. You can make your very own HIGH QUALITY books and much more. You can do it, without waiting for a publisher. This just makes my head swirl with the possibilities.

– More good stuff? Make and Craft magazine. I met them at their booth in the trade show, and learned about the upcoming Makers Faire that will be next fall in Austin, Texas. October 20 & 21, 2007 at the Travis County Fairgrounds. For those of you on the West Coast, there is one in the Bay Area on May 19 & 20, 2007.

Maker Faire is a newfangled fair that brings together science, art, craft and engineering in a fun, energized, and exciting public forum. The aim is to inspire people of all ages to roll up their sleeves and become makers. This family-friendly event showcases the amazing work of all kinds of makers–anyone who is embracing DIY and wants to share their accomplishments with an appreciative audience.

There will be a new podcast online in the next few days. My voice needs a chance to recover from 6 days of nearly non-stop talking. I learned so much and I have so much that I can not WAIT to share with you! (I was so focused on the panels and taking notes, I got absolutely no knitting done. Can you believe it? Sad, but true. More knitting this weekend.)


SXSW, Round 3…

I was originally planning on attending SXSW this year. Then, as life went on, it didn’t seem like it would be in the plans for me. TechMoxie is newly launched, so I had work to do. Mike couldn’t attend because of the trip to Holland and the resulting work projects. The decision didn’t sit well with me though.

After talking with people throughout the week that were planning on attending, I changed my mind. (Me? Change my mind about something? Now there’s a shock.) Thursday night I sent out some e-mails, and Friday I lined things up with Min Jung to stay with her at the “Hacker’s House for Wayward Girls” (Tara’s apartment). Friday night, I headed west for Austin. I broke bread with Brad, which was wonderful. It is so great to have a chance to see everyone.

Today, I’ve attended Kick and cheered for the guy with the fabulous silver tennis shoes. I had lunch at Iron Works with Katie and Tara. I registered for SXSW, attended the keynote address with Jeffrey Zeldman, and I now have a signed copy of his book – completing my signed book collection. I’m now attending a panel on how to bluff your way through CSS. I need to remember to visit CSS Zen Garden, along with Stylegala, Web Standards Awards, and CSS Vault more often. (That’s a note to myself since I’m writing this while in the panel.)

SXSW is full of quips and quotes that make the whole thing memorable. I’ve learned now that if a complete stranger tells you on the street that you are beautiful, you had better say thank you before he starts shouting at you, “SAY THANK YOU!” Always remember that…


SXSWBlog 2003!

It’s that time of year – SXSWBlog is up and running for SXSW 2003! If you’re thinking about heading down to Austin in March for it, you should note that registration goes up after November 15th. [via]

If you live here in Houston, we’re working on getting a group together and possibly getting group rates! Let me know if you’re interested and stay tuned to the H-Town Blogs site for more details!