Did you know you can now change the look of this site? Go here to select a skin, preview it, and viola! View the site the way YOU want to see it. Lots more skins to come in the next few weeks! The skins have notations as to which have known browser issues. Please e-mail me if you have any problems with the skins!
3 replies on “Change the Look… Skin the Site!”
this is so cool! when I have a moment or two, I’m gunna do it too… just cause I wanna be *just like you* 😉
ROFLMAO … I kept thinking yesterday that you are probably already only a step or two away from doing it, since you use PHP and you mentioned you just update 2 or 3 files for a redesign. That’s the same premise – design around content, keeping content independent. The last hurdle is setting up cookies and the code to let people pick skins! (Clear as mud?) Now I can have all the designs I want! Perfect for margarita addicts like us!
You go, grrrl!