
Changing Plans…

Street Vendor Oranges
Street Vendor Oranges, London 2006

This has been the week of constantly changing plans. Last Friday, Mike spent 12 hours on the phone on his day off. He kept updating me on his sudden travel plans. Monday, he flew off to Pittsburgh. He was supposed to be coming home Tuesday night at 8pm. Tuesday at about 5pm he called to tell me that he wouldn’t be home until Friday morning instead, missing out on spending my birthday with me. (I was ok with that and told him that weeks ago when this trip first came up.) So that was the first change.

Last week we thought he might be going to Israel and London next week. Then they decided not to go to Israel, so it would be just London. He said he would be going over for 2-3 days, I suggested that once they paid to fly him over it made sense to go for longer, so he was going to go for the whole week as of yesterday afternoon. As of this morning, he isn’t going at all. Of course, I’m not going to count on that, because these plans just keep on changing.

I didn’t make plans for lunch for yesterday because I thought Mike would be home. Tuesday night, Katy Blogless called to offer to take me to lunch, so I said yes. Yesterday morning we invited my Mom and Ann (who couldn’t join us). Then Katy realized that her stomach was trying to kill her, so she wasn’t able to join us either. As a recent victim of the GERD, I have great sympathy for anyone with stomach pains, so I understood. I had a nice lunch with my Mom and stopped at Twisted Yarns afterwards to pet the fiber. Dinner with my parents and Jason at Lupe Tortilla’s (yummmmm) capped off the day. No changes there, so at least something isn’t going to change on me this week!

I was asked to present my speech on X-Ray Crystallography at a conference tomorrow. At first I didn’t accept because my partner for the project has gone on to another school so I wasn’t sure about doing it alone. Then they asked me again, and Mike encouraged me to do it with a “good for the applications” speech. I reluctantly signed up. I have found the slides for the presentation, but I have practiced it exactly ONE time. The event is tomorrow. I would like to add another change to this week’s list by not going, but I don’t think that is an option this late in the game. Ugh.

By the way, in case anyone was wondering, it is an absolute *JOY* to be able to edit photos in PhotoShop on a computer that can handle running it. Zoooooom. You might be seeing a lot more photos soon! Maybe I’ll finally get through the Ozark photos at last!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

3 replies on “Changing Plans…”

And the Harlot photos? I still haven’t seen one of me with the Harlot and I know that we took one and I know it wasn’t a dream – I have a book with her signature in it. Too bad about Mike misisng your bday, but I’ll bet he’ll make it up to you. Break a leg tomorrow at your presentation.

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