
Cincinnati? Kentucky? It’s All The Same…

Mike just informed me that the Cincinnati airport is actually in Kentucky. Considering how late it is, I find this hysterically amusing. You know, Cincinnati, Kentucky, it’s all the same!

Today has been a fun day. From seeing “Little Black Book” and “Princess Diaries 2” with Emily to hanging out with friends (including Kathy and Elaine) at EJ & Sherry’s new house, it was a fabulous day. Simply fabulous. As an added bonus, Kathy tutored me on how to cut and mount stamps, so I got to set up some of my new stamp sets!

By the way, I had heard bad reports about “Little Black Book” beforehand, so I went in not expecting much. Brittany Murphy is not on of my favorite actresses, but I actually liked her in this. Overall, it was a good chick flick movie. Oscar-worthy? No. But I thought it was cute and amusing. And if you should go to see “Princess Diaries 2”, be sure to wear your tiara. All of the little 6-9 year old girls in our theater had them on, and we felt left out. Everyone is a princess!

Speaking of movies, have you seen Freeway? Dude, Elaine and Kathy have never seen it. I see a movie night coming up in the future just so we can watch Reese Witherspoon and Brittany Murphy at what must be their absolute worst. (Although the movie did get a 78 on!)

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

4 replies on “Cincinnati? Kentucky? It’s All The Same…”

since i bought the special edition of Princess Diaries 1, i got a free ticket for Princess Diaries 2. if you get the DVD, too, with the free ticket, then i’ll wear my tiara with you to the theater! that would be so cool!!!

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