I’ve been sitting on this news for a little while, but now that there are posts about it and photos on Flickr, I feel like it is safe to spread the word. Co-working is finally coming to Houston – and I’m in on it!
The Caroline Collective is being built out as we speak, and one of the courtyard offices is going to be mine, all mine! Dwight Silverman wrote about it earlier this week on the Houston Chronicle’s Techblog, if you want to learn more.
I had a spot at Two Be Wed here in Houston where I was meeting with brides, but as my contract with them came up in February, I started to review the past 6 months before I signed another one. I realized that often I have meetings in the evenings or on Sundays, both of which were not times that were good for meeting there. Also, I couldn’t stay there to work if I needed to get out of the house – I still had to go to a coffee shop or other location. It just felt really limited to me. At about that same time I found out that the Caroline Collective was under way, and I jumped on it. I went by, selected my office, and am now just waiting for the build out to be complete!
It is going to be so fantastic – and I can’t WAIT to be surrounded with such creative geeks while I work. As an added perk, I can use the grounds and my office for photo shoots when needed, which is really wonderful for me. It is going to be so great! Soon, my wedding photography will have a place to call home!
8 replies on “Co-Working is Finally Coming to Houston!”
Yay! and caroline is so glad to have you as one of the first tenants! can’t wait!
We love you, Christine!
Christine, that is so cool! I first read about the Caroline Collective… either through Katie’s blog or Ed Shipul’s Flickr… and I thought what a neat work environment it’s going to be. It will be absolutely perfect for you, congratulations!
I wish I had a job where I could work at Caroline. It is going to be wonderful and I think you are a perfect fit for THEM.
congrats Christine 🙂
I am so jealous of you Houstonites. I’ve been following along about the Caroline Collective on Twitter and elsewhere. I really wish there was something like that up here. I would love to have an office to go to to work when I needed to get out of my apartment (since I’m working from home now). But I guess Fargo just isn’t a techie enough town. Maybe I should move to Houston … 😀
And good luck (not that you need it) in your endeavors. You are an inspiration. 🙂
that sounds fabulous! I’d never heard of it before, what a great concept. Best of luck with your new office!
Yay! That is so cool and sounds so fun! It sounds a lot like the office where I used to work (but it wasn’t a collection of various artisits) – work during day, booze behind the bar in the lounge, and party in the evenings!