
Come On Out And Play!

There has been a shocking lack of comments around here lately, so it is time to call out all the Blurkers! I’m declaring January 31, 2008 an International Comment on Blogs Day! No more blurking, you guys! Leave the feedreaders behind, hop on into the browser and say something. If you have a blog, you know it is nice to get comments – so really, shouldn’t you leave them too? I’m just sayin’…

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

24 replies on “Come On Out And Play!”

I’m de-blurking early because I won’t be able to comment tomorrow. I love your blog and hearing about how well your photography business is doing. I also admit to hovering in wait for your next podcast–I do miss Pointy Sticks and your great accent! Keep up your excellent work, and don’t forget to mention the knitting once in a while!

Okay, you guilted me into this early. (Perhaps you’ll get a bonus de-blurking comment tomorrow, too.)

In my defense… I typically check blogs while at work (those that aren’t firewall blocked). Because of this same firewall fun, I rarely see images. All this to say that it has to be highly entertaining for me to comment. Or guilt inducing.

I’m here – I just use an RSS reader for all the sites I follow so my commenting has been scarce! Have you been blurking on my site or my flickr? Haven’t seen you leave me any comments either! I do try to leave lots of comments on Flickr, though!

Hi…I am one of those sheepish ones that has been following along since I really started knitting (when I moved for grad school)…and now I’m hooked on your photos! Your blog was one of the first ones I started to read regularly, so I guess I should do as you command and delurk now that I’m not so shy anymore. Thanks for all the inspiration over the last year and a half. =)

[…] I was reading through my blogs today and found via Jay Lee at The Bald Heretic that Christine over at Big Pink Cookie declared today to be International Comment on Blogs Day: No more blurking, you guys! Leave the feedreaders behind, hop on into the browser and say something. If you have a blog, you know it is nice to get comments – so really, shouldn’t you leave them too? […]

Another one that followed Jay Lee in 🙂

Sadly, I’m having difficulty convincing my bosses that this is a major international holiday for which I need to be granted a free day off to comment on blogs.

Yeah, I’m with Jay. I get so few comments anyway, I’m afraid if I do this no one will say anything. So I’m going to wait until my birthday in April and guilt people into commenting. Eh, whatever works. 🙂

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