I was thinking of Dawn earlier, for no reason in particular. Maybe because I realized last week that I must trim down my blogroll – I can’t find the sites I want to read when I have time among the sites I just don’t have time to read anymore. Or the fact that I came across the photo earlier that I took with Jay – who lead me to Dawn – when he was here in Houston last fall. Either way, she had a quote on her site that hit me hard.
“Do what delights you, and you can be sure that others will appreciate what you have done.”
So often we do what we think everyone else wants us to do, whether it delights us or not. But the reality is that I’m simply not online as much as I was just a month ago even. In many ways, that’s not a bad thing. In other ways, it is leading me to make changes around here – forcing me to change many things in a way. My life is changing around me. From a new return to an old career that I am absolutely in love with to a renewed strong interest in photography again. My life seems to be going full circle, and it’s all I can do to hang on and enjoy the ride.
I look through my recent posts, and some days seem like nothing more than “I updated this other site.” Maybe that’s not a bad thing though. You’ll find me over here or over there a lot more. Of course there is always this (with over 200 clients) or that (with over 800 photographs) to keep me on my toes too.
Big Pink Cookie isn’t going anywhere. Don’t get me wrong. It is going to change, and shift, and grow though … just like me. I’m going to do what delights me. I am sure you will appreciate what I have done.
7 replies on “Delightful..”
Hehe, I like the way you put that. 🙂 And I really like the quote – I think it’s very true.
Bloggers should pitch in and create a “Blogger Relocation & Protection Program”, for those who’ve run out of things to say & want to re-invent themselves. The “Program” would cover all the costs & hassles invovled (can you imagine having someone else wage war with your ISP for you?).
And makeovers are endlessly entertaining in and of themselves…
In whatever it is that you do,
I’m sure your spork will shine through.
We ain’t goin’ nowhere, either. So there! ;p
When we embrace that which delights us, when we step into the unknown, unafraid of the chaos ahead, I believe that is when our true selves are able to emerge.
I look forward to your coming incarnations, Cookie Woman. 🙂
Hi Christine! I have tried to respond to this post a bunch of times, and it keeps crashing my browser (Safari). Of course now that I’ve decided to open your site with Mozilla, I can’t remember what I was going to say… 🙂
Thanks Christine