
Desktop Links

As Kymberlie will tell you, I am known for bookmarking shortcuts on my desktop and just leaving them there. So I decided I would list all the shortcuts off of my desktop here & clean them off of the desktop. Nice for me to have them handy to come back to later. Enjoy! – Blogging in Brussels, Belgium – Web design, Music, and more,, BluishOrange (She’s here in Houston!), Pixels in Time, Publius (Todd’s already over there “On my Monitor”), SendAmerica, Fine American Gifts, Assessing Your Life in the Face of Disaster, New Advent – all sorts of information on Catholicism, World New York, I Love Big Brother, Provider Search for Ameriplan – the vision & dental supplement insurance plan I have so I can buy cool glasses, RetroCrush Patriotic Pictures, SincerelyFun (Not sure where that one came from…), Time for Your Meds – another one that is already “On my Monitor” but I should point out that today is Tracy’s 13th anniversary of sobriety – WAY TO GO!, Flag Graphics by Kristine, a PHP Tutorial by Zalary, UltraSparky – one of the NY blogs, – a rockin’ good blog, I Bet You Like to Watch – another NY blog, PC World – Carnivore Dispatched to Sniff Out Terrorists – and our civil liberties take a step backwards, A Day Late and a Dollar Short, megan[dot]scatterbrain, Heart of the Dragon, Openwire, More Than This, MSNBC: Unimaginable Disaster, Next Door, MSNBC: Business Fire May be Hate Crime, Light of Freedom, Better Homes & Gardens Ribbon of Unity, Better Homes & Gardens: Download the Ribbon, A Photographer Stands by His Work – the photo of the face in the smoke at the WTC fire, JD’s Blog – entry titled “A College Friend Survives the Attack” – main page has great content too, Broadway Stars – another NY blog.

I think that’s enough desktop cleaning for tonight. Believe it or not, there are still more links there. I’ll deal with them later, right now I have Mom duties to tend to.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

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