Julia sent me an e-mail last night about the Knitting Movie night in Austin tonight at Hill Country Weaver’s. She wrote something along the lines of “Don’t you wish you could be here?”
I wrote back and asked if her offer to come to stay in Austin any time still applied.
I’ve wanted to go to Austin since March to see Tara & Julia. Mike said that once school was out, I could go for a road trip. I got to see Julia a few weeks ago when she came here to go to Ikea, but I haven’t had a Tara fix since she took us in for Hurricane Rita. She came to Houston while I was in London, and we were both bummed about missing the chance. Now I get to see both of them! Wheeeee!!!
Yeah, don’t tempt me. You just never know – I might show up on your doorstep if you’re not careful.
5 replies on “Don’t Tempt Me…”
Hey cool! We’ll see you there!
Well, didn’t work with me…*sobs*
But you’re tempting me with that pic of fish & chips. I’m totally missing them…Methinks, I need to go to an Irish pub and get meself a fix of good ol’ fish & chips with lots of salt and malt vinegar!
Great shot of fish & chips! Thanks, I kind of expected them to look different from ours. Now I want some. I’m thinking Catfish Parlor, anybody else? Love me some fried fish.
Get here soon, lady!
i want to go to austin TOO! my brother moved there this past year with his family and i miss them SO much. but summer being my busiest time, we probably won’t go til christmas. i’m hoping when i DO go that i can hook up with some of my internet buddies!