Every time I see all the news about Roger Clemens and the use of steroids and human growth hormones, and the Congressional hearings about it, I just find myself puzzled. Yes, it is a big deal. It is wrong. It is a terrible example for kids that look up to sports figures as heros. But … why is Congress involved? Don’t they have more critical, government related things to be dealing with? Like isn’t there a war going on and a possible recession looming ahead?
But we’re focused on ball players using steroids and human growth hormones? I have found a website named http://toplegalsteroidsforsale.com/. I just don’t get it. Please feel free to explain it to me – I really would appreciate it, I don’t really know much about using an steroid so feel free to let me know what exactly is!!
17 replies on “Don’t They Have More Important Things To Do?”
Sorry – not here to explain, since I just don’t get it either! Hubby and I were talking about this last night. I really wish they’d do something actually useful!
You know, perhaps we should actually contact our congresspeople and let them know of our displeasure (I’m thinking out loud here, not point fingers). Yes, it is absolutely ridiculous when we have this out of control war, out of control war spending, looming recession and important elections happening to be focusing on something that is not really important to most Americans. Makes me angry, dang it!
You know, perhaps we should actually contact our congresspeople and let them know of our displeasure (I’m thinking out loud here, not pointing fingers). Yes, it is absolutely ridiculous when we have this out of control war, out of control war spending, looming recession and important elections happening to be focusing on something that is not really important to most Americans. Makes me angry, dang it!
i just hope he get the same as bonds, HOF or not, but they will likely give him his namesake clemen-cy
Yeah, sorry, no explanation from me either. But I saw it on a TV when I was waiting to order at Rudy’s yesterday and I almost screamed at the TV in public, “Oh my God, get back to work already!”
It’s too bad there isn’t like a governing organization or some kind of baseball commission, that could police issues in baseball.
Oh, and Congress? Hello? Health care!
I had the same thought. Why in the heck are we paying these people BIG BUCKs to investigate this random crap that has nothing to do with the government. Someone needs to tell them to get back to work, or we’ll revoke their 15 minute breaks!
I am *so glad* I’m not the only one who thinks this. Last time I checked our country had plenty of Bigger Issues with which to deal!
I’ve had the same thought for the last several years as Congress continues to battle away at this non-important and non-interesting topic. I often suspect it is Congress’ way of keeping themselves wrapped up in busywork so they don’t have to account for the more difficult issues needing solved.
It’s an easy way to distract themselves from dealing with the giant clusterfuck at hand. Why deal with the neverending war, recession, the assault on our civil rights, ending poverty, fixing healthcare, etc. when they can piss around with professional sports instead?
I agree.
I agree with you and think that Mac said it well. They want to deflect the attention of the public on what is REALLY important and what they REALLY are not doing.
Frankly, I couldn’t care less about some sporto jacking himself up so he can hit a ball hard, or spit farther. Isn’t that suppose to fall on a sport commissioner or something? I can’t afford to take my family to a pro game of anything anymore anyway.
It is all about publicity. They want to do something what interests the media, they want to look like they are interested in problems of their citizens and so. It is so in every country. I do not believe to politicians any more and I only believe in one thing: the thing they want is money and power and nothing more. Nothing like make you live better or so.
I suspect the congressional involvement stems from the government’s longstanding and keen interest in genital shriveling. Geezo criminey.
Yeah, totally agree with you. Already ranted about it on ravelry, but nobody seemed to care. My dh says it’s because Congress wants MLB to take the same anti-steroid stand other pro sports have. Frankly, they could all go jump in a lake. I think pro sports is a waste of money that could be going toward other more important things. And while we’re at it, lets get rid of car racing since it wastes so much gas!
God. A-MEN! Like, why is this important? Cancer and lack of healthcare have been cured and now you have nothing else to do, congress?
I hate to go against the flow of things, but…
Many cancers are attributed to bad life styles. ie. The number 1 cause of cancer death among women is not breast cancer or cervical cancer, but LUNG CANCER. If people chose to stop smoking they would probably not get lung cancer. In addition, some scientist have linked breast cancer to the artificial hormones found in birth control pills. Also cervical cancer is linked to sex. So … are you really expecting or wanting your government to control your lifestyle? If they are footing the bill, they have every right to.
Also healthcare… is it possible that healthcare should be ones own personal responsibility and not the top 1 % of the population who pays 70% of the taxes. (BTW – I do not belong to that group.) Maybe if people were really responsible for their own healthcare – they wouldn’t smoke (lung cancer,) over eat or eat junk food (diabetes, obesity, heart disease,) or take excessive amounts of steroids, (I don’t need to tell you what that does.) Maybe they would also eat better, take their vitamins, and get off their butts and exercise a little bit.
If you think that governmental healthcare is so great, talk to my friend who after slipping on some ice while in Canada was found bleeding on the sidewalk. He had been passed out for about an hour and a half. Someone miraculously found him and took him to the hospital where he immediately had to stand in line for two hours to check in – nearly passing out. Then he had to stand in line to see the doctors. Then he was sent home in a taxi, with the instructions (to the taxi driver) to take him to the hotel and have the hotel staff wake him up every three hours. This is not the health care I want!
If you want free health care, do what many illegal immigrants do and show at your local ER or fire station. They can’t turn you down if you do not have enough money. And lucky for all of you folk that do have insurance we get to pick up their tab. (FYI – One of the many reasons healthcare is so expensive.) Which by the way is not so bad if you have an employer who pays your insurance. However, if you are a struggling small business owner who pays their own insurance ($13,000/year,) it kind of bites. But I would still rather pay for my own insurance, not smoke, eat well and exercise than to have CRAPPY universal healthcare.
But in as far as congress getting involved in baseball – I couldn’t care less. (Of course, until my son insist that he needs to take steroids so that he can compete. Well… that’s another story.)
Sorry for the rant – I realize that no one here may even remotely agree with me (except the congress/steroids thing,) but what can I say except – God bless free speech and a place to express it without getting no more hurt than a little criticism thrown your way.
chiming in late here but I didn’t get it either as to why congress was getting involved with steroids and baseball.
liked reading the previous comments tho.