We worked on vignetting in Photo I class today, and this is my phonecam capture of the print that I turned in today. I call them the headless flamingos.
By Christine
Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.
So – were they napping? Or was it cold? I like it, but the lacking of heads is a little disconcerting!
It was nap time for the flamingos; I have another one from earlier in the day where they have heads. Something about all the heads down at once was odd but amusing to me so I couldn’t resist the shot.
Of all the classes I would love to go back to school for… this is one of them. I’m so jealous that you are taking photography!!
I love the picture. It’s great!
I would hang this in my home! I love it!
Well, you know… I have more photo paper and the negative – I could totally do a print for you! 😀 Send me your address and I’ll get a photo mailer next week and send it off!
8 replies on “I Shoot Film…”
i love it!
So – were they napping? Or was it cold? I like it, but the lacking of heads is a little disconcerting!
It was nap time for the flamingos; I have another one from earlier in the day where they have heads. Something about all the heads down at once was odd but amusing to me so I couldn’t resist the shot.
Of all the classes I would love to go back to school for… this is one of them. I’m so jealous that you are taking photography!!
I love the picture. It’s great!
I would hang this in my home! I love it!
Well, you know… I have more photo paper and the negative – I could totally do a print for you! 😀 Send me your address and I’ll get a photo mailer next week and send it off!