I was visiting VivaOrange today, and discovered the *cool* applet that they offer that changes an image from black & white to color as you mouse over it. I couldn’t resist. I had to check it out… sooooo, the old cam image is back there on the right side – but in black & white. Mouse over it. Go ahead. Do it … it’s fun! Wheeew!!!
I also added a random quote thing and the local weather down on the bottom of the right side navigation there – and tonight I am going to finally play with style sheets I think to make things easier to find. Please let me know if you notice that the site is taking longer to load so I can remove or change things as needed. I test on other browsers normally, but I only have T1 or cable access. If it’s killing you on a dial-up I want to know.
2 replies on “Easily Amused (As Always…)”
I added the weather thingie to my blog, too. Just what we need — another reminder of this miserably hot Texas weather.