Amuse Me

Ever Heard of Them?

Real life question asked of my by one of my attorneys today:

Him: “So, have you ever heard of blogs?”
Me: “Yes, I have. Matter of fact, my site that is up for the SXSW Web Award is one.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. We had just finished up our meeting where we reviewed the open cases we have and what needs to be done on each of them. Then he started looking around his desk for something. He pulled out a copy of the ABA Journal, which has an article in it about “Blawgs.” (Get it? B-law-gs.) It mentioned Glenn Reynolds in passing, since he is a professor, not a practicing attorney – the focus of their article.

He asked if I thought a Blawg would be a good addition to our firm website, which it could be if done right. I felt like I was slipping back in time as I launched in to sales pitch mode from my past life on how the software we would use depended on the platform our site is hosted on and so forth. Then it hit me just how far I have come in the past 2 months. It’s a world apart.

After I wrapped up my conversation with him, I returned to my office and went back to work on the Special Exceptions that I want to have drafted before I leave tomorrow afternoon. Some moments my life almost seems surreal.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

7 replies on “Ever Heard of Them?”

Hehe, I had a weird conversation like that at work a few months ago … one of my co-workers started talking about websites, and how he wanted to have a site where he could write and post photos. I didn’t tell him I had a site, but discussed the fact that I had seen them; I’m still a little about sharing my site with coworkers, though I guess if they know how to search, they could probably find it fairly easily. 🙂

I’m curious how you think a blog could work for them. Seems to me everyone is blogging these days, doesn’t even seem right for Dr. Pepper to have one, ya know? I think some things business should stay out of. But then again, some people use them brilliantly.

Your past is haunting you! On the plus side, you could easily start a blawg for them, position yourself as the next-big-thing and increase your profile on the firm.
On the bad side, they may start monitoring your net usage. 🙂

Somewhat related: My (clueless about the internet) boss is doing a website for his synagoge. Every week he’s bombarding me with questions – how do I make a web page (ouch my teeth hurt), how do I buy a domain, hosting, etc.

Finally I asked him today if he’d like me to just do it for him, and he said with a huge sigh of relief “Oh, WOULD YOU?!” LOL! I guess he really wanted me to do it all along, but didn’t feel right asking me (of course, instead, I’ve been tortured for the past few weeks with his questions – so I’m not sure which is worse. LOL!)

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