
Ewww. Gross. Ick.

(Warning: squeemish content ahead.) The rescue kitty keeps poo’ing in the hall, just outside of the bathroom door, the very same bathroom where the litterbox is. I haven’t been able to break her of it in a month. Tonight I guess I should be thankful that I have been scooping it up & flushing it down the toilet … there are little white things on her poo. About the size of uncooked rice, maybe a little smaller. White. Slimy. Things that move. Gross things. I think I am going to hurl. Ewwww… Poor kitty. Poor kitty mommy with no money until payday. (None. I spent it all on Christmas gifts.) Poor kitty is getting isolated now (again) with her own food and litterbox in my bathroom. It will drive her nuts, but I have no desire to treat 3 cats for worms or whatever they are, although it may already be too late. Ugh. And they were gross too. Blech. Going to have to call the vet in the morning and get her in. What fun and joy…

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

8 replies on “Ewww. Gross. Ick.”

These parts are important since it sounds like what you are describing:

“How do I tell if my dog or cat has tapeworms? There is only one way to determine if your pet is infected with a tapeworm, and that is to find the tapeworm’s eggs or proglottids (“segments”) in the pet’s fecal material. When tapeworm proglottids are passed in your pet’s feces, they are white, large enough to be seen with the naked eye, and they may actually crawl around in the feces. The proglottids of Dipylidium caninum resemble typically grains of rice. The proglottids may stick to your pet’s fur and drop off later, so it is possible to find proglottids on the floor or furniture.”

“Can I get a tapeworm from my dog or cat? Yes. Dogs and cats can be infected with several species of tapeworms, and the species that pet owners are most likely to encounter, and which can also infect humans, is Dipylidium caninum (the “cucumber tapeworm”). This tapeworm (diagram of life cycle) has been reported from humans, with most infections occurring in very young children.”

I know it’s inexpensive to treat – thing is, most places won’t take hot checks, I don’t own any credit cards (no, none, really) and I have exactly $7 in cash. My own doctor billed me for my co-pay today. The vet won’t do that. But I have already talked to them and we are working things out – I am not being a bad kitty mommy, I called them this morning and discussed it with them already. Now I am waiting for them to call me back – they have a full schedule today and since I just saw it for the first time last night they may not work the kitty in until tomorrow.

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