

I was so exhausted last night that I fell asleep before 9pm on the couch, woke up at midnight and went to bed in a foggy haze, and didn’t get up until 9am. Wow. I went to check out Chris Pirillo’s new haircut when I got home and Tivo, having a mind of it’s own, didn’t record the show yesterday! I fell asleep before setting it to record it at 2am; now I’ll have to catch the repeat on Monday. *sigh* I did watch Wednesday’s episode of Call for Help with Jason – now he wants that cool microscope thing. I was quite amused by Chris’s Charlie Chaplin movie. That was really cool!

Speaking of movies, that’s what we are doing today. We are either going to see “The Time Machine” or “Clockstoppers”. (Where Jason first saw the clip on Call for Help!) I think we are going to see “The Time Machine” since it’s been out for a little while and may not be in the theater too much longer. We are heading to Wal-Mart first to buy candy – I refuse to pay those movie theater prices!

So tell me, do you think it’s wrong to take your own soda & snacks into the movie? Or do you do it all the time? Time to talk back…

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

7 replies on “Exhaustion…”

Back in college, we not only took our own drinks and candy, we used to take our own popcorn! We’d pop a bag at home,grab a huge empty purse, drop in the drink, put the popcorn on top, pull the draw strings and wallah! I try to take my own sometimes now, but my husband thinks its wrong and won’t let me. In my opinion, if they cared, they’d have signs up.

I usually have candy in my purse when we go – candy canes, lollypops, etc. I almost never pay theater prices for anything – my mom will, so every once in a while for a treat, we’ll get popcorn when we are with her.

E, the silly boy, doesn’t like popcorn, so it doesn’t seem to matter to him!

Tell us how the movie is – I’d really like to see Clockstoppers, and after hearing that its a Jonathan Frakes movie, I’m even more excited 🙂

it’s not wrong in my opinion. the prices are where they make their money but i bet if they went down in pricing they’d make even more money cause people would buy more.

and…i’ve had a coke from somewhere else in my hand before, and they asked me to throw it away before entering the theater.

I most always stop at the gas station before going to the movies. We buy candy and drinks and take them into the movie in my big purse I take especially for that purpose! They will tell you to leave it outside though. They did that to me when I was younger and I learned my lesson… don’t let them see it!! :o)

We’re stupid. We usually don’t think ahead to take our own drinks and snacks. Though I did sneak in two small bottles (about 3oz) of Jack Daniels for Dale’s friend when we went to see Lord of the Rings on opening night. (Hey, he bought our tickets and got to the theater early to get seats so we didn’t have to wait. He deserved the drinks.)

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