Geek Love

Feed My Inbox – Tasty RSS Feeds, That Is!

RSS Feeds can make your life so much easier when it comes to reading blogs, but sometimes I don’t want to open mine because I know I’ll end up following breadcrumbs around the internet trail for hours on end. Yes, I’m definitely prone to the “Oh, Shiny! Sparkly!” distractions. So I don’t tempt fate if it is a busy production day – I just keep NetNewsWire closed.

But there are a small handful of blogs whose posts I absolutely do NOT want to miss. Some are industry trendsetters. One or two may be friends that I know will mention their latest post when we talk so I want to make sure I get it, and some are just things I want to keep a close eye on. I want to get those select feeds in my inbox, even when I don’t read all my other RSS subscriptions. I use FeedBurner, which offers this service (you can sign up to get my posts via email over in the far right column there … hint, hint). But not everyone uses FeedBurner, so this isn’t always an option.

I needed something else.

Then I found Feed My Inbox! Just like the name says, it will feed your inbox for you. All you have to do is give it the URL for the feed you want to subscribe to and your email address, click the link in the confirmation email, and then magically once a day you’ll get your most important RSS feeds right in your inbox.

The once a day is key – if someone writes 20 posts in a day, you’ll still only get one email.

Seriously, how cool is that? LOVE it! Hope you do too!

PS – Sorry about the site being down. We’re now on a zippy fast server, and the site shouldn’t fall over anymore like it has been the past week or so. Let me know if you see anything unusual, ok? We think we’ve got everything back where it belongs, but it is always possible to miss something!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

4 replies on “Feed My Inbox – Tasty RSS Feeds, That Is!”

First of all, glad to see you back blogging on a regular basis (I’d almost given up hope)!

Great utility find, trying it out right now in hopes it will help keep my daily blog reading mayhem to a minimum.

I am happy that your friends actually read your blog. Mine are all like, we live it, we don’t want to read about it. It’s because they are mean and hateful. Anyway, that feed my inbox this is amazing!! Thank you for sharing!

Ah, neat service. I can see how it might useful for sites you CAN NOT miss. I’m pretty good at keeping my reader clean. Of course, if I miss a day or two…oh the doom. It’s just too much.

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