I’ve been doing some Feng Shui rearranging around here for the past day or two, behind the scenes, and it feels good. The sharp angles aren’t in spots where they hurt when you bump in to them, and there are fish and plants. Ok, not really, but it still feels good to do some housekeeping.
As I was poking around, I discovered something. There are a lot of you out there that link to this site that I have never heard of. I’m assuming that if you link to me, you just might travel through here every once in awhile. This is your open invitation to say hi and let me know you’re around. I can’t read your site if I don’t know about your site, can I? Come on … tell me who you are. I don’t bite. Well, not unless you ask me to…
37 replies on “Feng Shui, Blog Style…”
People that read your site without commenting are known as ‘blurkers’.
Geekychick defined it:
Blurker (BLUR-kur): n. 1. One who reads many blogs but leaves no evidence of themselves such as comments behind; a silent observer of blogs. 2. One who reads many blogs but has no blog of their own; a blog-watcher or blog voyeur.
haha, that’s funny, cos I found that right here at Christine’s site. 😉
You’re cool. That’s why I read you =)
Just curious; how can you tell who links to you?
By the way; love the photographs.
Yeah, I know. I’ve commented before. I just thought I’d take the opportunity to say good morning! Good Morning!!
When I made the move from LiveJournal to Moveable Type, I found that most of the folks whose journals I read didn’t want to bother leaving their “Friends List”, hence I had to go out and make some new friends. Lately I’ve been blogsurfing a lot, and just recently came to your site. You get a nice shiny new link in my site’s sidebar, just for being you. ;>
Hello! I link to your site because I think you’re very witty. 😉 Have a great day!
I’m cracking up too – Michael, my Mike wrote that definition, and I helped tweak it and spread the word! *giggle* But that’s ok, I happy that people are using it! Teehee!
Good morning Buzz!
How do I know who is linking to me? I see traffic in my logs coming from their sites, or I follow a link from one blog to a blog I’ve never seen before and spot my link in their sidebar.
Bite me Christine.. it would dull the pain of the cough that rages through my head and chest right now. 🙂
When I first learned of blogs, I came across your site. Then found quite a few others linked to you. I read it at least once every other day. You have some interesting things to say, and usually have some good tech info as well. I actually sent you an inquiry at BlogOMania once about designing my blog, but never got anything back from you/yall there.
In order to not be referred to as a blurker — Hi, I read your blog, and I think its fab.
Diva out.
Hi Christine,
I found you on my blog travels, but just recently connected you with a responder from Robyn’s blog.
I added you to my blog because some site match your blog to mine…I can’t remember which site it was right now. I like what say and I hope you don’t mind me rolling your blog to mine.
I am new to this whole blogging thing, so please forgive me if I crossed some netiquette unknowingly.
I don’t have any idea how or when I came across your site, but you’re witty and entertaining and have lovely photographs.
I just might build a shrine to you.
‘ello! I’m a long-time reader, but I rarely if ever comment. Maybe I should start, since I love your site and visit every day!
Michelle, you are doing a-ok in the Blogettiquite department! No worries there at all! I just love finding new sites, and I figure if you guys are coming here already, it’s a good thing to ask where you are coming from!
Just saying hi.
I’ve linked to you in entries, but not on my list o’ links. That’s probably because I haven’t updated my link list in over a year. /sigh Where has all my time gone?
well…I have commented here before…
I’ve just realized that the URL that I leave when I sign is different from the one that I use to link you…
silly me. http://avariation.blogspot.com is me too.
Hi Christine. I think I’ve commented here a few times before, but my memory isn’t very sharp, so who knows? Hi again.
Still scaring the newbies, huh? 😉
Hiya! I’ve commented b4 but thought I’d say HI. I’m in Florida, a web designer and major shutterbug, am addicted to blog surfing and blogging. Both me and my better half are major geeks. I wonder if u can tell who all your visitors are if many are using a news aggregator? I used to surf my fav blogs from the blogroll on my site, but now I mainly use NewzCrawler. Happy Blogging! =:D
I’m so glad you bought this up! My goal this week is to visit the blogs I enjoy the most and tell the writer why as part of the “love-in”:
I don’t remember how I found you, but figure I’ve been reading you daily for about a year. I think the first connection was that you’re a fellow Texan. I keep coming back because I think you are funny and interesting and smart. You pretty much rock.
Hmmm. My html didn’t come through. I’m sure I forgot some important quotation mark or something… snazzykat
OK, I confess – I’m a ‘blurker’! I love your site! Hugs, Lil x
Daphne, I would never scare the newbies. Newbies, do I scare you? (Please tell me I don’t scare you … I don’t want to scare anyone!)
As for how many people read via news readers … I have no idea. I’m sure there is (maybe) some way to tell via log files, but I don’t know how. Interesting thought though…
Hey Now! Been reading for a while. I link to you in my blog, not often, but still. 😀 I love your sense of humor, and I agree, Jose Cuervo is a good friend, but you need to let him get out and thrash once in a while.
Thanks for putting the full text and comments in RSS, it’s a great thing!
Hi there! I first found you from the link on Michelle’s blog (she’s the one who started me blogging last week!) I then noticed your site coming up on so many others that I decided to come read it again…
So, if you don’t mind, I’d like to let you know that I am going to add you to my blogroll too…
OK, you got me. I am a…er..blurker, was it, ok. I am new to blogging, the actual blogging of my own and still trying to figure out how to fit it into my busy life. I have been to SXSW for the last two years and saw your stuff thru the Bloggies. I am in Austin, or just outside. I don’t have all my stuff together, and only comment when the spirit moves me, but I visit fairly regularly. Just wanted to come clean. I enjoy your photos.
Very cool! Love the Feng-shui style blog 🙂
Spam alert in the above comment!
shui blog
Hey Christine, I’ve been checking out your site for a while now and love reading little posts here and their but I don’t think pink is really used in Feng shui 🙂
Feng Shui can work for almost anything… it is worth the effort, and the returns bring peace and quiet to your spirit and you day.