For those of you on the Macs out there, Blogscript has been released and is now compatible with MovableType and Manilla sites, and Blogger too. Here is their description of it:
This is an AppleScript that was designed to function on Mac OS X v10.1. BlogScript uses the built in XML-RPC power of OS X and it’s new Toolbar Script feature. BlogScript’s main purpose is to allow users of’s weblog and news site management system to post directly from a users desktop, or from anywhere for that matter. It allows the user to copy any text from any application and by making a single menu selection have the weblog entry posted automatically, instantly. It is fast, powerful, and amazingly handy.
Just thought I would hook you up since I normally only point out the cool PC toys! [via Salted Wound, via GiggleChick]
2 replies on “For the Macs in the House…”
Sweeeeet! Thanks wifey! 😉
Oh that is just awesome! 🙂