Geek Love

Geekfest Time!

In getting ready for the geekfest that is SXSW, I thought I would point out some fun sites that you might or might not know about that are handy, plus fun. And not at all geeky – they are much more for social networking. – allows you to set up an event for people to attend. Add events you are interested in to your calendar.

Twitter – a fun way to send a text message that goes out to your friends to update them on where you are or what you are thinking. Really, whatever you can fit in the text limit, actually. It has been fun watching what my friends are doing, seeing who is already in Austin, who is on their way to Austin, etc. It should be a handy way to answer the question, “where is everyone going tonight?” You know, if everyone uses it. – I think I first heard about this one through Houstonist (who featured another one of my photos the other day! Whee!) It is another way to send out information to a group of people.

Grand Central – get a phone number anywhere in the US. Use it to then forward calls to any or all of your phones. For example, I got a number that I feel comfortable posting on the Fresh Photography site. Grand Central will basically “screen” calls for me if I want, which is quite handy. You can even listen in as someone leaves you a voicemail message and pick up the call if you want! Just like the old days with an answering machine! We have Vonage so we can call anyone in the US for free from our home phone, but this would be a handy way for Mike to have a Kentucky number for his family to use to call us for example. Hmm, I wonder if Kentucy is available?

Conferenceer – a handy way to see what panels are offered and decide what you want to go and see. I’m not sure if this is just for SXSW (SXSW07 Panels) or if you can use it for other conferences too.

30 Boxes – a nice, free online calendar that plays well with others. I can see Mike’s calendar, and I can easily add events from to my calendar. Sweet!

I think that is all of them, but if I think of more I will add them here. Check them out and see what they can add to your life!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

6 replies on “Geekfest Time!”

Geek thou art for sure. But thanks, I didn’t know about all of them. When are you getting to town? I am hitting the Bourbon Bar with a coworker at 4:30, but I don’t think I’ll stay till it’s over at 6:30. Why dont you call my cell when you get to town. I’m picking up my badge this afternoon so I don’t have to stand in line and miss Eric Meyer in the morning. See ya soon.

Your marzipan has been picked up from Mike’s Pastries in the North End. Special delivery can be made once my plane lands in Austin on Saturday at 8:30pm!

See ya soon!

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