I’ve known that the surgery tomorrow has been coming for months. I think we first decided to do it in October, and we scheduled it in November. I’ve had plenty of time to think about it – but now that it is less than 12 hours away, I’m starting to get nervous. I have to be at the hospital at 7am, and I am scheduled to go in at 8:30. They are doing both the carpal tunnel release and the surgery for De Quervain’s Disease.
I think I am most nervous about the surgery on my thumb. You just don’t realize how much you use your thumb until you have constant pain in it. I’m worried about what the post-op pain will be like and how long it will last. Oh, and if the super-happy-fun pills will make it ok, or at least make me sleep enough that I just don’t care.
Most of the housework I wanted to finish before Christmas is done, and Mike has promised to help me with the rest. So that is at least one less thing to worry about.
I’m sure I’ll be offline for a few days, but I will have Mike post an update or two for me. If you have any advice on the surgery or recovery tips, I would truly appreciate them. Thank you in advance!
4 replies on “Getting Nervous…”
No advice – just my thoughts being sent your way! Good luck tomorrow!
Good luck with the surgery tomorrow. I’m sure things will turn out great. Until you fully recover, have yourself a blessed holiday season and a happy New Year!!
May God be with you ever step of the way…
Best wishes – hope you have a speedy recovery that’s as pain-free as possible!
Good luck – be patient with yourself, and rest. You’ll be all kinds of better in no time. 🙂