
Halloween Thoughts…

Reading Jenn’s post about Halloween got me thinking about it myself. This will probably be one of Jason’s last years going out trick or treating (he’s 11 – we get to stop soon, right?), and of course I have mixed feelings about this. It’s hard sometimes watching your child grow up. Ironic that some schools and churches worry about Halloween celebrating pagan rituals – which it does, I realize that – but Jason’s Catholic school allowed them to wear their costumes to school today. I think that’s great – it’s such a waste to spend money on a costume to wear it just a few hours.

When I was growing up, it seems like we always got to wear our costumes to school. In Kindergarten we had a parade with the other class, and then we had a big party. I dressed up as Raggedy Ann – my Mom made my costume and I had a wig made of red yarn. It was really quite adorable – I might have to see if we can find a photo tonight and post it!

My parents were involved with the Jaycess and Jayceettes, so they always worked on the Haunted Houses that they sponsored. I would go with them, watch them building the house, knew the maze pattern, what was contained in every room and how it was all fake. I remember one year, I was so excited to finally get to go through the Haunted House when it opened – and I was TERRIFIED! I started screaming and crying right after we went around the first corner, but it was too packed to get back out – so I ran through the whole thing, crying the entire way. I guess knowing all the secrets didn’t help in the end.

When we moved to Kankakee, there was a house in our subdivision that went all out for Halloween. They had the black lights, the glowing things, candles, haunted house music – and they would sit on the porch, dressed up as a scarecrow with straw and everything – and just as you convinced yourself that the scarecrow was fake, they would leap up and grab you! I think I fell for it every year, even though I knew to expect it.

My parents always got candy from me out of my goodie bag at the end of the night. I remember coming home, dumping it all out on the floor, inspecting it (because the days of razorblades and pins in candy had already started), and then sorting it out. The pile for my favorites, the stuff that was just ok, and the stuff that I hate. I am a picky eater, and I don’t like nuts in my candy bars. I love peanut butter, but I can’t stand peanuts in what should otherwise be a smooth candy experience. My parents got my Snickers and anything else with nuts, along with those nasty peanut butter chew things – the ones in the orange or black wrappers. I hate those, eating them feels like you are going to pull a tooth out!

What are your favorite Halloween memories from your childhood? Do you still dress up for Halloween? Are you going to any costume parties this year? What are you going as? What is your favorite Halloween candy? What is the worst candy ever?

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

8 replies on “Halloween Thoughts…”

I only really recall one Halloween of my childhood. I was Princess Leia, but lost my mask halfway through the night. Luckily my hair was long enough to do some buns over my ears as a quick fix.
I went to a costume party about five years ago as a “wannabe hippie” inspired by the students at the college I went to. I’m helpnig take my nieces and nephew out tonight and that’s about it.
Worst candy: Good & Plenty.
Favorite: 3 Musketeers

Despite the fact that Halloween is one of my most favorite holidays, I don’t remember a lot about Halloweens past.

I haven’t dressed up in the last few years for Halloween, but I will this year for the costume party I’m going to. I’m going as an Eagles fan 🙂

Best candy ever: Reese’s cups.
Worst candy ever: Wax lips. They’re not even candy!

I still dress up, as we’re encouraged to at my (Catholic) high school (we have a school-wide costume contest). So this year I went as a ballerina, complete with a tutu. My favorite Halloween was when I wore a poodle skirt when I was 10 or so, I loved it!
Best candy: Reese’s or Butterfingers – anything peanut butter and chocolatey, pretty much
Worst: Mounds – I can’t stand coconut!!

Halloween Homework
Christine asked about Halloween memories: What are your favorite Halloween memories from your childhood? Do you still dress up for Halloween? Are you going to any costume parties this year? What are you going as? What is your favorite Halloween…

I live in the UK and I WISH we were into Halloween like you guys.

As a kid my mom and dad would send me to the neighbors in a black bag with wholes ripped for my arms and head. My mom’s eye liner as cat’s whiskers was as creative as things got. I was lucky if I got an orange let alone chocolate.

This year, It’s time to make up for the years of black bag costumes!!

I’m really into horror films so I’m thinking I may go as a horror character, you get can bride of chucky outfits now which I never thought was possible!

I feel totally spoilt for choice not I’m an adult and I can afford to pick pretty much any costume I want.

I think I have missed the experience of going door to door but, my house will be packed with chocolate for anyone who comes passing by wanting to trick or treat.

42 days to go!!

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