Whoa. It is May 8th (and I haven’t posted in over a week – oops) and my blog is 8 years old today!
The Golden Birthday! I couldn’t let it pass without pointing it out. Happy Blogiversary!
Crazy to think how much has changed in 8 years, and how much this blog has been a part of it all. From the incredible amazing people I have met – especially Mike! – and all of the life altering things that have happened as a result.
– I wouldn’t have met or married Mike if this blog wasn’t a part of it.
– My photography wouldn’t be where it is today. (See below. Several times.)
– I wouldn’t have met Kathy who set up the original Bayou Blurb which lead to H-Town Blogs and meeting Elaine which lead to my previous comment about my photography being where it is today.
– I wouldn’t know Chuck, my go to political advisor, who is actually the first person that Mike met in Houston and who I finally got to meet in person the same day I met Mike. UPDATE: I just commented to Mike that I probably would have met him eventually thanks to Chuck, and he pointed out that HE is responsible, at least in part, for Chuck blogging. How is THAT for circular?
– I wouldn’t have met Ann through her blog and her photography — and she was one of the first bloggers Mike ever met in person over in London, and she kept nudging me to meet him when he was back in Houston. (Ann still gets credit for me meeting Mike, not Chuck. Ann pointed out his blog while he still lived in London, probably 6-8 months before I met him. I never read his blog much though because it was way too geek for me.)
– I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to meet Jennifer, who means a lot more to me than she probably even realizes (my fault) and has helped me out a zillion times over with a slew of blogging things. She truly is the ScriptyGoddess. I’m thankful for her letting me visit her when she still lived in fabulous Boston, and I dream of visiting her now in Salt Lake City someday.
– Boston of course leads me to thinking of Erika, Su, Sooz (who was a huge help in putting together the big blogger bash the second time I visited Boston) and really – more people than I could list.
– Blogging lead me to meet Mac who inspired me to knit – and to attempt spinning – and graciously let me come visit her, took me all around Philly for knit shop tours (this is a very big thing for knitters), and best of all – let me visit for a trip to Maryland Sheep & Wool last year! Mmmm… fiber. Lots of fiber.
– Then there is the whole knowing Matt since he was in high school – before WordPress even was a dream yet – and spending days at the coffee shop with him & Mike as he geeked out and talked about the dream we would later know as WordPress. Once I gave it a name.
– OH! And HOW can I forget about Chris Pirillo and the Call for Help days? I think talking to Chris on the phone was one of the first time I squealed over meeting a geek celebrity. First of many times, I’m sad to say.
– While I’m naming names, I should point out Heather Champ who has been a huge source of inspiration since day 1, and a big supporter back when I launched Picture Yourself. She also lead me to Flickr, my constant addiction.
– Flickr then lead me to Laanba who lead me to meeting
countless awesome photographers in the Houston area that I didn’t already know through the blog circles. I learned later that my blog was one of the first blogs that she followed. The crazy circle of blogging.
– And my blog wouldn’t be where it is today if Ben & Mena hadn’t come up with the fabulousness that is MovableType that saved me from Blogger back when Blogger went through a slump and Greymatter couldn’t handle my posts. I resisted leaving MT for a long time and only converted when Matt came over to my house and did the migration himself. It is INCREDIBLE to see where SixApart has gone since MT first launched.
– Another VIP in the blogistory? Robyn, the blogger formerly known as Tampa Tantrum. Like Erika and Su, it is incredible to think of how much our lives have changed since those early blogging days of 2001. She has been an incredible help for my photography business – and a constant inspiration. I’m most grateful.
My list could go on and on and on as I pondered everyone I know and how they all interconnect. At the root of it all is the blog. 8 years, nearly 5000 posts, and countless memories.
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to every single person reading this. My life truly would not be the same without you. Say hello if you have a moment – it is a day worthy of a celebration!
24 replies on “Happy Blogiversary!”
wow, i’m first! 🙂 yes, you were the first Houston blog i ever read. who knew it would lead to this! i’ll be reaching my 10th blogging anniversary in September. i wish i had all my posts in one central location, but that would take forever to import! LOL congrats, Christine! happy blogiversary!
Wow, eight years… I can’t imagine where the time goes. Happy Blogiversary!
Happy Blogiversary!!! Did you just make up that word? You’re always the first to do so many things!
I met you through flickr first. I think I read every page before actually flickr mailing you probably almost 2 years ago. I love that you have been blogging so long. Its inspirational. I love learning things from you regularly. Don’t ever stop blogging all about all the cool things you know, things you find and cool things you do.
Happy blogversary!! 😀 (Holy cow – 8 years. Crazy stuff)
Ooooo now I have your personal blog to stalk too???? Woot!!! Mine’s been around about 8 years too, I’m glad I’m not the only blogger that doesn’t just do photography stuffs.
Congrats on the blogiversary!
Happy Blogaversary to my “partner” – partner in crime & photography… thanks for everything Christine and here’s to another 8 years of blogging… *smooches & hugs*
Happy blogiversary! 8 years! In my head, I have this little world of friends from then that I consider more like old college roommates I don’t get to see very often. You and Robyn fall into that category (and Brandy (mizdos!), Kathy, Joelle, Mikey and a few others).
It’s insane to think about how much has happened in 8 years!
Happy blog anniversary! I have no idea when my first entry was, but I know that it was sometime around Thanksgiving 2001. So that’s almost seven years for me! Woo hoo! 🙂 I hope that your blog enjoys its special day. 🙂 It’s so good to catch back up with you! I don’t know how we lost touch! I miss Movable Type sometimes (I’m on WordPress).
(Duh. And Jenn – can’t forget Jenn!)
Happy 8th Blogiversary!
fantastic! happy blogiversary. 🙂
Happy blogiversary. You were the first blogger I ever met in real life — you and Mike, walking to the Convention Center in Austin during SXSW. Knowing you has opened me up to a array of fascinating people. I’m so glad to read you and know you, it has been amazing watching how your life has changed over the years.
Happy Blogiversary to one of my Back in the Day homegirls! I remember you starting out at Blah Blah Blog…and then I remember the invitation you sent out to check out BPC, with a picture of your big pink tatas in a frilly bra. Haha! I had no idea you were the one who named WordPress – that’s really cool! We’ve come so far in 8 years, you and I – and although our lives are so vastly different, I think we can both say that blogging has been a huge part of it all! Oh, and my Golden Blog Birthday won’t be until (sheesh) 2024. Think I’ll still be blogging then?
Happy blogiversary! Libation of choice is on me should you ever hit San Diego.
Happy Blogversary! I feel so lucky to have met you & Mike and that certainly would never have happened without BPC. 😀
Woooo! Cheers to 8 years of blogging and to many more.
PS I can’t believe I know you!
Hmmm…should you add your Mom to the list of people to thank?!!! Without her, you wouldn’t have had a blog in the first place. Just kidding.
Congratulation! For goodness sakes, I don’t even think that I knew about blogs until Deb started blogging – another I wouldn’t have met story.
Your blog is slightly older than clild #2 – her b-day Aug. 2000.
Happy Blogversary! You were one of my first reads when I started blogging 6 years ago. 🙂
Happy 8 years! I can’t believe it’s been that long. Made me realize it’s been about 7 years since I’ve had my blog. Yikes! I feel old suddenly.
Happy Belated Anniversary! I can’t believe it’s been 8 years! Wow…it’s like having a child…time flies so quickly! It’s been a fun ride so far! 🙂
Happy blogbirthday, baby. Congrats!
So happy to have “refound” you.
Love ya!