Hey Julie – it’s ok to be stressed and take some time off. The whole point of this is to write *for you*. And like I learned a few weeks ago, sometimes you have to take some time for you. We know that life is out there doesn’t stop. We come to read because we enjoy it, because we care. We’ll be here when you’re ready…
Speaking of being ready – interesting developments with the IO tonight. To make a long story short (unusual for me) he has decided he doesn’t think it will ever work, and he doesn’t want to continue “trying”. I am going through a lot of emotions. Part of me is sad. I care about him, I have missed him. Part of me is relieved – I have an answer. I know it is foolish to think that we could be any better then we were before. I know that, I know better. I’ll be ok, just need some me time to think for now…