Hey, Pischina, I have to agree with you about Tina Fey – she rocks! And I *love* her glasses. I want some glasses like those! They are so cool, but they would probably look terrible on me.
I watched Final Destination earlier today on the Tivo. That was weird, but in a good way. Thought provoking. I could have done without some of the scenes, they were a bit too graphic, more than they needed to be. But the overall concept of the movie was good and it was worth watching. I would even watch it again.
I am such a goober. I talked to the IO tonight. Ugh… why do I do that? I did manage to find out that he hasn’t talked to chicky-poo for a week now. I don’t know why though. He said he hasn’t talked to her since last Sunday. I am wondering if that was why he was all the sudden so chummy a week ago Sunday – maybe he thought he should end things with her and try to work things out with me? Which leads me right back to my favorite question – what would I do? What would I do if he called me right now and begged me to try to work things out? I have a long list of reasons why I should say “no way you FREAK” but then there is also a list of reasons why I want so much for us to be back together. Blah. I hate feeling like this. I am terrified that I will dare to attempt to work things out again just because I don’t want to be alone, and end up miserable. I just want to go crawl in a corner and hide from the world. Matter of fact, I think I will go hide under the covers for awhile and sleep!