We pulled into our driveway this afternoon at about 4:45 pm. The last 18 minutes of our drive were over the first 10 miles of the route we took to leave town. It took us FIVE hours to go those 10 miles last Thursday night. The fact that it only took us 18 minutes today still astounds me.
I’m glad we went to Austin, it was a fabulous visit with Tara and I’m glad Mike & Jason got to meet her too. We didn’t get to all the touristy goodies I might have liked in Austin – it took us awhile to recover from that drive – but it was such a great trip I don’t regret a single moment.
It is nice to be home – our neighbors told us everything was ok, but I wasn’t able to let my guard down until I saw it in person. A lot of pine needles, some small twigs and branches, and a small tree limb on our garage roof. Our roof have 40 year shingles but the quality is good.
We tried to order pizza tonight because we were tired after unloading from our trip. It was a bit of a challenge though, since no one had any pizza dough!
I lucked out – Jason & I don’t have school tomorrow, and Mike is still sort of off work (he will be working from home though), so we get to celebrate my birthday together all day! I wonder if I can talk Mike into making pancakes for breakfast?
14 replies on “Home, Sweet Home…”
Happy birthday, sweetie!!! I hope you have a fabulous and memorable day that’s all about you! *Hugs*
Happy Birthday! I’m glad you made it home safe and that there was a home to make it safely to. 🙂
Welcome back and Happy Birthday!!
I am so happy you made it home safely.
Happy Birthday!!!
Well, since it’s now tomorrow…
Have a wonderful day, Christine!
happy birthday, Christine! *muwah*
Congrats on making it home safely and on having your home be safe too!
I’m glad you and your family are safe and back home. I can’t say I’m sorry I missed out on the hurricane madness. Hope you have a great birthday!
Happy Birthday, Christine! Glad to see that all of made it through the storm okay!
Oh – I just noticed the birthday cake graphics over at Google and thought, wow, I know you’re important but *that* important? Then I realized that it is also their 7th birthday. How cool is that?
Hi Christine Happy Birthday, I haven’t seen where to send knitted booties to…….Could you let me know? Thanks mucho. Laurie
I am glad all was well at your home…and Happy Birthday!
Christine, Happy Birthday, belatedly! I wish I had known you were in Austin, since I didn’t get to go to Dallas cuz of the traffic. I have been thinking about you and wondering if you stayed or went. There’s got to be a better way, next time. Glad you’re okay.
So glad you and yours are alright. Happy belated birthday!