Kathy headed up north tonight and we went out for dinner and then over to see “Finding Nemo”. I don’t think I’ve been to a “kid’s movie” without Jason since he was born. It was really cute – I’m glad I went to see it. I’m even more glad that I got to spend the evening with Kathy! What a blast – she’s a great date!
Kathy and I first met back in 2001 or so, when she ran the Bayou Burb, a group for Houston bloggers. It took us until summer, 2002 to meet in person finally – and I’m so glad we did. If you live in an area with other bloggers, go out and meet them. It adds a whole new dimension to blogging, and it is so worth it. Sometimes you should walk away from the keyboard, get out, and meet the people behind the monitors! You won’t regret it!
7 replies on “Hot Date…”
But, but then I’ll have to go out into direct sunlight! *gasp*
Oh, did you all like the movie? I saw it on Sunday with my little cousin. I thought it was very well done and had a great story.
I totally agree with you on meeting people in person. There is so much you just can’t get from reading someone’s blog.
Happy Monday!
Yeah, I totally wonder what it would be like talking to people that write the blogs that I read!!! That must have been wicked!!! See yeah!!!
mine? mine? mine?
you are a great date, too, Christine!!! we should definitely do this more often… i think i still have the first e-mail i ever sent you!!! and yeah, 2001 sound about the right time when we first “met.”
i’m all about meeting other bloggers… they are people, too.
You mean, like, physically exiting the place where the bandwidth is? Shocking!
What??!?! There is actually more to life than being online? Whoa! LOL
It is fun meeting other bloggers. I have only met one blogger but would love to meet others. It is nice to meet the real person behind the site. 🙂