Picture Time

How to Feel Like a Rockstar…

How to Feel like a Rockstar...

I wish this photo wasn’t blurry, but it is … and yet I think it is a PERFECT capture of exactly how we were all feeling at that very moment.

Elaine & I wrapped up shooting our Saturday (11/10/07) wedding, which started at 8am, at 3:45pm. I drove over to her house (on the way home) to back up my copy of her compact flash card. While we sat there chatting, she pointed out that we had both received a direct Twitter message asking if we wanted to shoot a reception *last tonight* for Dan, the owner of BarStool magazine. (We have done photo shoots for them in the past.)

We were puzzled, and I am normally pretty set in only one event per weekend for our sanity, but I decided to make the call.

Turns out that Dan was trying to find a photographer and was doing so to help out his best friend who had their wedding photographer NO SHOW for the wedding.

For a rather expensive wedding package. (Based on the prices on their website.) Where they took the time to collect the final payment 30 days ago, but were completely unavailable yesterday. No phone call. NOTHING. No response to a number of voice mail messages. They just were not there.

We were 40 minutes away, and the wedding was supposed to start in 15 minutes. They HELD the wedding for us, and we drove *fast* across Houston to pick up the ball.

As we walked in the door, we were greeted like heros. I love this shot, taken as I walked in the door where you can see the mom with her hands up in glee in the background, and the bride looks SO thrilled that we were there. We were cheered on the rest of the night.

I should toss in here that I had an engagement session at 9am this morning. And wedding #2 ended at midnight last night. (I begged Mike to drive me to the engagement session so I could just veg out in the car.)

I’m glad we did it though. Really, I had to do it though because a photographer not showing up for my wedding would have been my worst nightmare. I would have freaked out. I had to help her out – I couldn’t leave her stranded.

What a crazy night. But so wonderful and amazing. Man, crazy, crazy night.

Elaine, you are AWESOME and *THANK YOU* for going with me last night. I could NOT have done it without YOU.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

11 replies on “How to Feel Like a Rockstar…”

I loved reading about this on Twitter and I loved even more seeing the photo and story here (*great* photo!). I had tears in my eyes as I was reading your post. You did an amazingly kind thing for that bride. It’s so clear that you love your work and take pride in it. That bride doesn’t know how lucky she is to have scored you and Elaine as photographers for her special day. Kudos to you both for saving the day!

[…] Photography: Wow! This has what has kept me the busiest!!! A Yale Street Art Market came and went (it was finally sunny instead of rainy), Christine and I shot TWO weddings in one day last weekend (read the amazing store here) and I had an engagement session on Saturday since Christine is in the hospital for surgery (she is fine, yay!) Jeff helped me with the session and I learned a few things so I am very appreciative… The couple is getting married this Friday, the day after Thanksgiving so we have a third wedding to shoot this month. […]

No, Christine, both you AND Elaine are amazing! You completely saved my day and I can’t thank you enough! I can’t wait to see how gorgeous the pics are. And yes, there have already been major recommendations. Not just from us, but from every single guest that attended the wedding!

You two are heros, rockstars, bad mofos, and every other amazing descriptive word I could possibly think of.

Hope you get lots of rest and feel much, much better soon. 🙂

Love, Lauren

Elaine & Christine are LIFE SAVERS! My best friend was getting married – supposed to be one of the best days of her life – and yet she was in tears over those other idiot photographers not showing (despite being paid in full). You two have no idea how much what you did is appreciated and will never be forgotten. ANY time someone needs a photographer you guys are my #1 recommendation. Thank you, Thank you, and did I remember to say Thank You!

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