I am moving… moving the blog. Decided not to have my personal blog on my professional site. Ick. Many, many thanks to the webmistress for listening to my babble the other night as I tried to sort through which domain I wanted to use to host the blog. Yes, I am addicted to registering domains – ever since I found 000domains.com. No, I don’t own them. No, I don’t get any sort of kick-back if you use their services. I have used them though since February & have been very pleased with their service. After all was said & done on Friday night I registered shortstorylong.com – now if only the transfer would go through.
Bored? Want to read the original blog? The visit The Woman Within…. It won’t be there for long, at least not in the current form. I will probably leave the blog up, but it will be more of a vessel for providing links to web design related sites. Nothing fun, juicy, naughty or personal.
The new design will be coming soon – as soon as I figure out what I want it to look like. That could take a little while. For now I stole graphics from my Sudsalicious site. Need soap?
2 replies on “I am moving… moving the”
I think its the processing.php… safari doesn’t seem to like it… but I don’t know enough about safari to know why… if you talk to Phil, make sure you show him what’s on that page… maybe it’s the “onLoad” thingy in the body tag that’s on that page…
Do you still use 000Domain?? Do you like it?