In my effort to improve myself & my life (see The Resolution Project), I have been drinking a bunch of water this afternoon. Sure, it’s just an afternoon so far – but you have to start somewhere! Kymberlie has been joining me at the water cooler … and I think pretty soon one of us is going to float away! Three glasses so far! And only one coke today at lunch! Whoo hoo!
Now we are trying to come up with some sort of rewards system. Something… to start with, I think it should be simple. Something like a penny in a jar every time you drink a glass of water and a penny if you work out, and at the end of the month we convert the pennies to equal something (quarters?) and then the person with the most pennies gets $5 from the other person as a “prize”. Hmmm… still have to tweak the rewards system. Ideas? Suggestions? Before I give this any more thought, I need to take a stroll down the hall to the potty (said with snotty French accent) first!