
I *heart* helpful people!

First of all, many public thanks to Naomi, who has soooo generously offered to let me borrow her digital camera to take with me up to North Dakota & Minnesota when I leave tomorrow. I don’t know what I would do without her. I was going to buy one myself, but it turns out our checks don’t get deposited until Friday night (not tonight like I thought) so I won’t have the money before I leave. Public thanks too to Kymberlie, who is feeding the cats, fish and watering the few remaining plants. (my patio is cursed and only the begonias live out there! All my other flowers have died. Green plants do fine, just not flowers.) She is also loaning me the latest Jeffrey Deaver book, “The Empty Chair”, so I don’t have to go and buy a copy tonight. Yippeeeee!

Then I just called the Houston Camera Exchange because I want to take my “good” 35mm SLR camera to North Dakota too – but it needs batteries and somehow I tossed the last set without buying new ones. Oops! So I needed to know what kind of batteries to get for it. They were very helpful and answered that question for me, so I went ahead and asked about my flooded camera too. When the Honda flooded I had my camera in the car, so it got water in it. Of course it had a full roll of film in it too. I should have rewound it & taken it out, but nope. I left it in there. So he told me not to rewind the film, gave me the names of 3 custom labs with “rack” film processors, and told me to take the whole camera in so that they could use a changing box to get the film out for me. Fortunately, I took photography in high school, so I knew about some of these things and left the film all alone inside the camera. Thank goodness! Off to look for a lab so I can drop the camera off. It was a low, low end camera, auto nothing, point and shoot but it took good pictures – so hopefully the camera can be saved also.

The Honda isn’t ready yet to be picked up, and since we are leaving tomorrow I am going to have to turn in the rental before I go. My 30 days expire on July 8th and I won’t be back until the 10th. I hope it’s ready by the time I get home! They are also waiting on the check to come in for the payment, so I have to call in to Farmer’s now and hunt that down. Off to make more calls!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

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