Sorry Jay, I should have warned you. The Germans don’t eat at restaurants that serve German food. The town I lived in had 2 Italian restaurants, and no German ones. I took my parents to a restaurant in Ansbach, a much larger city, and we had to search for a restaurant that had some German food on the menu. I ate pizza there. Finally in Nurnberg we were able to find one with lots of wurst and struedel on the menu, and there were actually a few Germans eating there. Irony, huh? But I am so happy to see that you made it to Germany! (Although Frankfurt wasn’t the most exciting of cities. Very modern, and I like the old stuff!)
3 replies on “I Should Have Warned Him…”
But thankfully Norm’s theory is still proven to be true. Germans love David Hasselhoff.
I was actually *shocked* when I went to Prague and Germany that the Italian food was pretty decent and the pizza good as well…I just had flashbacks of *EWWW* italian food in England 🙂
Two days in Frankfurt…
Two meals of pizza.
Today in the hostel, two Americans asked the hostellier where they could find some German food. I laughed, only partially to myself.
She said, “There are not many because we don’t really eat German food. We eat a lot of Turkish food”
So when in Rome…