Blogger Posts

I was sick as a

I was sick as a dog on SuperBowl Sunday. I was at a retreat too – so I missed the game. Ok, I don’t watch it for the game, so I missed the commercials! But you know, who needs the tv anyways since you can always count on AdCritic to hook you up. Superbowl XXXV: Budweiser: Blow Dryer Ad from The 2001 Super Bowl (XXXV) Now I don’t have to feel so bad about the fact that I slept from 7pm until 7:30am that Monday morning. Thanks LaLaBlog for reminding me to go and check out what I had missed!

I also have to go back to visit the winners of the Bloggies.

Maybe I should just write & write before I “post and publish” this so I don’t have 18 entries in one day. Hmmmm… Well, I like the crisp clean look of Fiona Elise: Diary of a Toddler. I want to read more & more. Off I go, trotting through the land of links out there, to eventually find myself at Ten Tips for a Firmer, Slimmer, Sexier Weblog! I am feeling inspired again. Hopefully my little ISP has finally gotten their *hit together and I can use my domain name and get blogging at Blah Blah Blog. Next week I have to finish getting Bunny Does it Better set up so you can all share in my life of dating in this cyber age. Oh! The fun we will have! On that note, it’s 7:40, I am *still* at the office, and it is time to go home and DESIGN!!!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.