I won it! I won it! I’m so excited! I’m getting a Canon EOS 20D 8.2MP SLR Digital Camera!!! It was a battle to the finish, but I won!
On Sunday, I started poking around Flickr instead of working on my Algebra. I mean, come on. Pretty photos vs. long division of polynomials? Yeah. Pretty photos win every time. On a interesting twist of fate, I decided to check out Dawn’s photostream. I first started reading Dawn’s site back in 2001, and she is an amazing photographer. Her old blog is long gone, but you can see some of her photographs at Chicago Uncommon. (And if you need a photographer in Chicago, she is available for hire.) Anyways – I started poking through her photostream to catch up on her recent work, and I spotted a picture of a camera. For sale.
She is now the proud owner of the new Canon EOS 5D. Ahhh… someday. I on the other hand am now the proud owner of her spare Canon 20D, won just moments ago on Ebay.
A fancypants camera has been in the plans for years. First I had to wait for them to drop to a relatively sane price. Then it was just a matter of saving up for it, so my presents lately have been cash. (Mike even included a “instead of gifts, she wants money” note on my birthday party Evite this year.) My Christmas present was going to be cash. I wanted a fancypants camera, and I had my eye on the Canon EOS 10D. Not the 20D that I now own, but the 10D because of the cost issue. When I saw Dawn’s auction, I knew it was too good of a deal to pass up. An even better camera, with a better rating at DPReview.com, more features, plus extra items that she was selling off with it? It was perfect. And the bidding went down to the wire – I was almost outbid with 30 seconds or less to go. But I was hitting refresh, refresh, refresh and I caught it and raised the amount. So now everyone is happy!
I doubt that I will sell my Canon G2 though – it has been a good camera for me and still works just fine. I’ll keep it handy for when I need a quick point-and-shoot or something light to carry around. Maybe I’ll even let Mike take some pictures for a change!
Katy, the non-blogger, gets props for calling the other day and guessing that I had found the thing of my dreams on Ebay. I didn’t find it on Ebay, but that is how I purchased it – so close enough.
Now if you will excuse me, I need to go and dance around the room some more. I’m so excited!
6 replies on “I WON! I WON! I WON!!!”
(aside)oh…I am so jealous…
I can’t wait to see your pics w/ the new camera!!!!
(another aside)oh…I am so jealous…
woooo!!! I’m dreaming of graduating to the 20D at some point in time.
Major jealous here, but that is very cool!
What a haul, I am very jealous. Congrats. I expect we will soon be ogling some awesome yarn porn, eh?
WoW! Congratulations. That’s great!
That’s the camera that Dale used Olivia’s birth to justify buying. He LOVES it. He’s up to three lenses, a vertical grip, a tripod, and various filters. At least he’s producing some AWESOME portraits of the baby!