I just discovered H-Town Blogs! w00t! Other bloggers, right here in Houston. Of course I find out after their happy hour – although Thursday night I had Scouts and a horrible migraine, but still! Oh well, maybe next month! I’m just psyched that we have a group! And as an interesting side note, as I surfed the other member blogs, I noticed Christopher talking about “Molly gigs”. I wonder if he’s talking about the local band, Molly & The Ringwalds? I’ve actually seen them before at the Ale House, which I heard last week is now gone, and that’s a shame because it was so wonderful! Like we need another parking lot in Houston! Or maybe a strip mall!
Added Later: Well, a poke through Christopher’s archives revealed he was talking about the same Molly & the Ringwalds! My friend Tom knows Alfred, who plays in the band with Christopher. Now I am starting to sound like a scene out of Ferris Bueller. So let’s just say this – I’ve been there, they rocked, they played The Judys, they played other great ’80s hits (you can see their playlist). I was happy.
One reply on “If I Had Known…”
Great to hear you finally found it! I tried in vain to find Houstonblogs for ya after we talked about DFWBlogs.