Geek Love Knittastic!

I’m Going to Poke You in the Eye!

I Never Promised You a Rose GardenOk, ok, I’m not really going to poke you in the eye. I just sing that song to myself every time I think of the Pointy Sticks podcast. I really need to find out from Jay Lee if I can use a snippet of that Flying Fish Sailor’s song in the podcast – it would be the perfect intro music!

Episode 2 is finally live. At last! Whew. I had everything selected and downloaded yesterday so I could make the podcast after I returned from my Guild meeting, and then the sound card for the computer wouldn’t work! Gah! So I had to test out all the other computers to see if any of them would record in stereo (they won’t) and the set up the laptop to do the recording. It all worked out in the end … until I found out this morning that we had no internet access.

Talk about frustrating!

So now that the internet is finally working after the cable company came out to do repairs somewhere nearby, I was able to upload the podcast and the show notes. Whew. Now I’m going back to working on my Lady Eleanor and later taking photos of my knitting.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

3 replies on “I’m Going to Poke You in the Eye!”

Wheee I am goind to download it to the pod and go watch it in the Notre dame gardens 🙂 I am amazed by all the cool stuff you do between the photos, the photoshop (that black and white with only one colour bit rocks!) and the pod casts- you are brilliant

Cant wait to see your Lady Elanor!

Ah, but I didn’t have to photoshop this picture at all – it was straight out of the camera. Most of my Paris photos didn’t need editing unless I wanted to convert them to B&W or something like that. Paris makes it so easy! (Please note my envy of you being in Paris. *sigh* I must go look at Eiffel Tower photos now or something to comfort myself.)

I’ll try to photograph Lady Eleanor this afternoon!

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