Jennifer has sent me e-mails, and I have responded … but she never wrote back about them. It was quite bizarre, but she’s been busy, and Rachel is puke-y sick, and they had the open house last weekend, and now she’s sick too … you know, the usual in a mom’s life, right? So I didn’t worry too much about it. Today she sent me an IM and asked me if I was just too busy to write or if I hated her. Me? Hate someone? Ok, let’s just get one thing clear. It would take a lot for me to hate anyone. No, really – a LOT. Like you would have to maliciously run me over with your car or stab me or something. And then if you were truly truly sorry & apologized 5 minutes later I would probably forgive you. Really. So if I have been ignoring your e-mails, the evil internet monster just might have eaten your e-mail to me or my response to you. But I promise, if it ever came to a point where I hate you, you would be well aware of the fact. I don’t hide it when I hate someone, it’s just super rare for me to feel like that. It’s all about the love, baby!
Chris V. is jamming to good tunes. I like working in the big room now that I am getting used to the noise factor. The zooming energy of a room full of designers and programmers is quite refreshing. And it’s so wonderful to just be able to ask them questions when I need to. Headphones come in handy when the noise gets to be too much. But for now I’ll enjoy the tunes!
2 replies on “IM Saves the Day…”
I thought you didn’t like me anymore either *sniff* I wrote you two emails too and didn’t hear back from you.
So maybe that means that the email I sent to blogomania is lost in the same ether? I wondered if you hated me too! ; )