Media Consumption

I’m Still a Tivotee…

After reading TiVo, We Hardly Knew Ye – Sorry fans, but it’s destined for the ash heap of history, I couldn’t disagree more. Maybe I’m just a huge optimist, maybe I’m too much of a Tivotee … but when I hit the line, “a TiVo is difficult to set up and maintain” I knew the author was simply nuts. My best friend, who is among the biggest technophobes I know (ironic, huh?) set up her Tivo. On her own. So I *know* it’s not difficult to set up and maintain. Heck, it maintains itself! And as anyone else can vouch for, setting up a Season Pass for a show is zoom zoom fast. I set mine up for “The Weakest Link” (so I can see Ernie on the show) in under 1 minute. Click, click, set. Ha!

Some come on out of the woodwork, you other Tivotees. Let’s convince Mike to shell out the $265 for that Tivo – because I will be the first to say that Tivo rocks. It is not a glorified VCR. And once you use it, it’s hard to go back to TV without it.

Edited: Well, Mike was laid off today, so I guess it’s a good thing after all that his Tivo purchase didn’t go through yesterday. However, I still say Tivo rocks!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

15 replies on “I’m Still a Tivotee…”

I want one!!!! I think that would just been the coolest thing on the planet. But I haven’t rationalized the cost yet. Just wait, I will one of these days 😉 When I get a really big web job finished, I’ll just go out and buy one. :giggle:

Dewd, I LOVE Tivo. And I’m a technophobe. We just recently got the DirectTV with Tivo (Ultimate TV, I think it’s called) and I haven’t missed a show yet. I get to watch my Oprah and Raymond without worrying about whether the bebe will need me to come lie down and nurse him or not. I can change a diaper, fix dinner, take a shit, whatever, without worrying that I’m missing something. I’ve got shows on autorecord and when I’m watching something and have to go to another room, I can just pause it. I’ve got Changing Rooms paused right now while I’m *supposed* to be watching a DVD with my family. LOL, they think I’m making popcorn. LIttle do they know I’m checking email and blogs. Meanwhile, Carol Smilie (how DO you spell her name) & crew are waiting for me in the living room. I heart Tivo.

If your Direct TV with TiVo is called Ultimate TV, you were horribly cheated. TAKE IT BACK! Buy a real Direct TV with TiVo.

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