
It is All So Clear…

For the Psychology of Awareness class, we had to do the True Colors test last week, and take the Myers Briggs test in the testing center on campus. Today we got the results of our MBTI. A few years ago I took it and I was an ENFP. The latest results (they can change based on where you are at in life) show that I am an ENTP, but some of my results are right on the “slight” line. For example, I’m an extroverted introvert. I may come across as an extrovert most of the time, but I seriously need my introvert time. Without my down time, my quiet time, I am seriously cranky. My thinking and feeling are also close, so when I need to turn on the feeling part and turn off the thinking part, I can.

It was funny to see how my True Colors matched up so closely with my Myers Briggs results. I selected green as my strongest color, with orange as my second choice. I kept saying that it was a pretty close call, that green won out only by a slight margin. My Myers Briggs results peg me as a green with orange as my second color.

The positive side to all of this is that I am pretty self-aware.

I’m also realizing that I need to stop fulfilling my own self-prophecies. I often complain that I’m not organized. That needs to stop, and instead I just need to work on improving that weakness. I need to find that balance in my life, because I know it is what will bring me harmony.

At the end of the Myers Briggs results was a list of the 50 “top” jobs for our personality type and the bottom 25 jobs for our type. He warned that it didn’t mean we couldn’t be something not on the list, just that it meant that other people within our type were most frequently found in the jobs listed. So I started to look over the list – no surprise to see engineers, scientists, psychologists, etc. listed there. But I had to laugh when I read what was number 1.

Want to guess? Because really, it is pretty funny considering my posts over the past few weeks.


Yes, that is the field where you are most likely to find the ENTP residing. Maybe I’m a little more self-aware than I like to admit. However, I still have a need for knowledge and I’m not giving up on the dream of finishing up my degree. I have some photographer plans in the works at the same time though.

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

8 replies on “It is All So Clear…”

I love taking those kinds of tests. I have never done the color test but the MB is cool. I am much like you an extroverted introvert. I can’t remember but I think I was an INFP. Keep seeking knowledge and pursue your passions. Also, Amy & I want to pick your brain about what camera to use for our online store.

I’m a ENTP. If I remember correctly, if you’re a woman, (in which we are,) if you are borderline thinker / feeler, they list you as a thinker. Woman are typically feelers, so that if your anywhere close to being a thinker – they just give it to you. It’s almost insulting if you really think about it. Which if you are borderline, you’ll equally feel and think about it.

@Jenna – Actually, I was definitely on the Thinker side of the line, but not so deep on that side that I can’t access the Feeler side. A few years ago when I took the test I was in sales, and I tested as an ENFP. I thought the Feeler was odd then, but considering I had to tap into my feeling side a lot more to sell, I’m sure that is why. Now I’m thinking about school, etc. – so the Thinker part fits in quite well.

@Elemmaciltur – I’ll try to see if any of the ISFJs in the class are willing to let me borrow their report and I’ll scan the 50 jobs list and send it to you! 🙂

@Staci – no podcasters listed, but wouldn’t that be a fun job?

@Chris – you’re not alone. I need recharge time almost daily. If it has been an intense day or two, it normally takes me at least a day to recover!

@Sheryl – Hmmm… I’m thinking on the camera part. I may just have to ask around.

Hi Big Pink Cookie!
I just saw your entry about taking the MBTI test. We have a lot in common. I want to invite you to join a project that I am trying to get started. Global Co-op. We are an multilingual forum that is just getting off the ground.

If you want to know more about your type just ask me, Althea on the forum site. I will help you. If you want to keep it private just email me.

Global Co-op is all about trying to help people understand each other an connect them with people of their type. You can also try It’s fun to talk with people of your type.

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