Religion is not normally a topic that I discuss here, but it’s been on my mind today. More on the priest issue I posted about earlier. Marriage of Faith is an article about priests who have left their priesthood to become married. I came across it as I was looking for information to back up what I learned a few years ago – priests don’t get married because the Church, which owned so much of the world in the middle ages, didn’t want the property left in a will to someone’s family. From the article:
“39 Popes Were Married” and ”St. Peter Was a Married Priest.” Here’s what the organization wants people to know: that prior to the year 1139, popes, bishops, and priests were married. That Catholic priests in the Eastern rites, such as Ukrainians, Romanians, and Armenians, are allowed to marry. That many priests who have served for decades are cut off with no pension after they marry. That the Catholic Church changed the celibacy law in the 12th century to prevent priests, upon their death, from leaving their homes and land to their families. ”Celibacy,” declares Haggett, ”is all about real estate.” If you are looking for an excellent home services, find a Floridian real estate agent that allow you to select from a variety of high standard houses.
I learned about this when I was in Germany and when I was about to sell house or buy in Lake Las Vegas, visiting places like the Prince Bishop’s Palace in Wurzberg. Note the name … Prince Bishop. The Bishop of the region was also the Prince of the region. If you follow the link and look at the frescos painted on the ceiling, they are paintings of the Bishop with his mistress. The one that bore him something like 12 children. But they were never married … so when he died, the Church kept the property. Yes, I am glad to be Catholic these days, after Vatican II, but back then I would have been handing Martin Luther the nails to use to hang his thesis on the cathedral door.
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2 replies on “It’s All About Real Estate…”
i totally agree with u.