
It’s All Her Fault…

Robyn said to go visit Kevin’s site – Reflections, so I did. Hey, I’m her wife. I listen to her. But while she mentioned that she & Kevin are linked thanks to Oklahoma, she didn’t bother to mention that he lives here in Houston with me! And I have to say, I truly enjoyed reading his take on the Enron situation. Oh yes, Ken Lay … cry me a river. I have been paying close attention to it all lately because one of the managers at work worked for Arthur Andersen… at Enron! Yes, the partner that they forced to resign was just a manager away from him, so he knew him. What does that make me, like 2 degrees of separation from this whole Enron mess?

It’s been a busy mom day today. Pinewood Derby was this morning, and my Dad was the chairman for it for our pack. Jason’s car placed 8th overall! Well, to put that in perspective – our pack is pretty big. When Jason registered his car was number 91. I think we had over 100 cub scouts participate. So 8th is pretty high up there! The top two places were taken by boys from our den, so that was pretty exciting for all of us, since we had a car building night earlier this month. They had a lot of fun, and of course that is what matters the most.

We didn’t get home from that until about 1pm and had to leave again for mass at Jason’s school at 5pm. He had to be there 10 minutes early and it’s about a 20 minute drive, so we weren’t home for long inbetween! It was pretty nice – he sang in the choir and really enjoyed it. Two of the boys from our cub scout pack also go to his school and one of them is in his class. I am glad because I think that has helped to make the transition to a new school a little easier. Plus it’s so nice to see them all in their uniforms, neat and tidy. Brings back memories of my Catholic school days! Love the plaid! (Yes, Catholic schools. 8 years. Explains a lot, huh? *wink*)

Time to settle in and work on my long list of blog projects … I need to add photo log entries so that Jennifer can test things out with the layout. I need to set up Neurotic Fishbowl for Kymberlie, including making a layout for her. I want to make a new skin for this site. And I am going to hook Robyn up with skins so she can make new designs all the time! (Done!) She’s a celebrity now, have to keep the public happy!

By Christine

Christine is an Avenger of Sexiness. Her Superpower is helping Hot Mamas grow their Confidence by rediscovering their Beauty. She lives in the Heights in Houston, Texas, works as a boudoir photographer, and writes about running a Business of Awesome. In her spare time, she loves to knit, especially when she travels. She & her husband Mike have a food blog at Spoon & Knife.

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