I know that Christina and others have wondered time and time again…
“Where is the love for those who crochet?”
Well, good news. The author of the Stitch ‘n Bitch books posted to the SnB Yahoo! list that I’m on, and guess what? Her next project is on CROCHET! She’s even looking for submissions. I saved the e-mail – let me know if you want the scoop.
8 replies on “It’s OK to Crochet…”
I found out about that! She posted to the message board I’m on – my local stitch and bitch… with the subject:
“Voulez vous crochet avec moi”
Yep! Same post on our board here. It immediately made me think of you!
Too bad she is, IMO, pretty contemptuous of crochet in the first SnB book. And the snark directed towards counted cross stitch in her bio in the back of SnB Nation pretty much ensured that I’ll not be buying any more of her books (I have the first SnB and that’s all). Counted thread embroidery is my first crafty love, even though I don’t do it anymore because of my eyes. I have major, major, major problems with people who act as if their craft/art is better than anyone else’s.
I really want to learn how to crochet. I learned when I was little, you know, yellow round pot holders for grandma? Now I’d like to make things like socks and scarfs and ponchos!!
I’ve been thinking I should pick up a crocheting project soon, because I’ve been doing so much knitting. I prefer knitting, actually, but I’ve been crocheting much, much longer (since I was eight or something), so I still do a bit out of some sense of tradition (or something). 🙂
I’d like to know the scoop 🙂 I learned how to knit first but I get better results from crochet.
I actually prefer crochet to knitting, since it’s a lot harded to drop stitches when your stuff is just on needles, in transit from one place or another. And… with a toddler in the house, dealing with needles under the couch and out of my work when I’m not looking has proven to be nerve-wracking, as well as freaky, since needles can be a bit more on the dangerous side than hooks.
Not that I leave my stuff within her reach, but every once in a while she still manages to surprise me with something from my basket. Toddlers + Knitting = (potential) disaster. So, it’s the hook for me. The hook, until she knows better.
I’d love to find out the details about the crochet stuff. I have SnB and learned to knit from it, but I still love my crocheting best. Wanna share? 🙂